PGPdump Interface
(too old to reply)
David E. Ross
2011-06-03 02:13:23 UTC
PGPdump Interface at <http://www.pgpdump.net/> appears to be defunct.
Does anyone know of another Web site that decomposes a key, signature,
or encrypted file into its components? Is there a Windows XP
application that I can use on my PC in place of a Web site?

No, the PGPdump Interface did NOT have the ability to decrypt an
encrypted file or forge a digital signature. It merely broke apart a
block into its components per the RFC 4880 interface definition.

Followup-To directed at comp.security.pgp.discuss.
David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross
Fritz Wuehler
2011-06-06 12:44:05 UTC
Post by David E. Ross
PGPdump Interface at <http://www.pgpdump.net/> appears to be defunct.
Does anyone know of another Web site that decomposes a key, signature,
or encrypted file into its components? Is there a Windows XP
application that I can use on my PC in place of a Web site?
Hi David,

The PGP dump website was just a web interface to somebody running the code
that Japanese developer had written (pgpdump). The code itself is available
and can be compiled on a UNIX-like OS. I know you use Windows but have you
thought about installing Linux under VirtualBox on one of your Windows
systems? Some nice free tools are available including pgpdump and gpg. Yes,
I know gpg is also built for Windows but you have more options and control
over how gpg is built if you build it yourself.

If you have specific keys you need dumped you can post them here and I will
dump them and post the output. Since you were using an unsecured web
interface for that before this should not be worse than that.

I set follow ups back to alt.security.pgp since I don't follow the other ng.
David E. Ross
2011-06-06 17:17:33 UTC
Post by Fritz Wuehler
Post by David E. Ross
PGPdump Interface at <http://www.pgpdump.net/> appears to be defunct.
Does anyone know of another Web site that decomposes a key, signature,
or encrypted file into its components? Is there a Windows XP
application that I can use on my PC in place of a Web site?
Hi David,
The PGP dump website was just a web interface to somebody running the code
that Japanese developer had written (pgpdump). The code itself is available
and can be compiled on a UNIX-like OS. I know you use Windows but have you
thought about installing Linux under VirtualBox on one of your Windows
systems? Some nice free tools are available including pgpdump and gpg. Yes,
I know gpg is also built for Windows but you have more options and control
over how gpg is built if you build it yourself.
If you have specific keys you need dumped you can post them here and I will
dump them and post the output. Since you were using an unsecured web
interface for that before this should not be worse than that.
I set follow ups back to alt.security.pgp since I don't follow the other ng.
My Web site is hosted on a UNIX platform. If someone would develop a
Web page and the necessary interface with a PGPDump executable for UNIX,
I will gladly add that to my Web site. That would make the capability
publicly available to all OpenPGP users.
David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross