gpg/pgp passphrase local?
(too old to reply)
2015-08-09 17:01:10 UTC
Hello and greetings,

Relative newb to gpg & pgp.

My question is, as I am trying to set up gnupg for windows (stuck with Windows due to force of circumstances, I'm a linux boy) on my PC and Android tablet, i want to know, is the passphrase local or can I use it and change it from a(ny) device other than the original I set up my key with.

Please let me know, as I am not informed about this subject.

Much thanks in advance,
andrew l
Andrew Levin
2015-08-09 18:17:27 UTC
Hi all,

Please disregard this post. I did further research and now
understand the passphrase is tied to the private

Thanks for your attention anyway,
Post by a***@gmail.com
Hello and greetings,
Relative newb to gpg & pgp.
My question is, as I am trying to set up gnupg for windows (stuck with Windows due to force of circumstances, I'm a linux boy) on my PC and Android tablet, i want to know, is the passphrase local or can I use it and change it from a(ny) device other than the original I set up my key with.
Please let me know, as I am not informed about this subject.
Much thanks in advance,
andrew l
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