TOR Anonymity: Things Not To Do While Using TOR Browser (More To Follow)
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Nomen Nescio
2023-06-11 22:20:22 UTC
Things You Should Not Do When You Are Using TOR Browser Part 2

Is Tor safe? Is it really anonymous?...

It depends. The Tor browser minimizes the chances of spying and
eavesdropping, but nothing is fool-proof nowadays. The Tor network also has
its weaknesses, mostly present at its endpoints where the traffic leaves
the network.

Being optimistic, Tor is one of the best options we currently have. But
it’s advised that you shouldn’t mess with Tor’s default settings unless you
know what you’re doing. That’s because enabling Javascript and other
plugins could contribute to leaking your IP address.

Regarding anonymity, one can’t live with the belief that security agencies
can’t penetrate the network and track someone. But in everyday usage, you
shouldn’t be much concerned unless you’re some drug dealer or a high profile
person trying to dodge surveillance systems.

However, the popularity of the onion router has motivated hackers to create
malware and make it look like the Tor browser. This is one thing users
should worry about. Also, Tor is the gateway to the dark web and criminal
activities. The type of content available on the dark web isn’t appropriate
for many users.

Moreover, you can’t turn a blind eye to the fact that a little of your
mistake will contribute to divulging your identity on the internet, no
matter how secure do you consider yourself. TOR doesn’t magically read your
mind and prevent any of the foolish activities that you may perform. So,
there are a few things you need to keep in mind, and it will help you to be
anonymous online.

1. Don’t use your mobile phone for 2-Step verification on Tor...

Most websites provide a 2-Step verification using a mobile number in which
an OTP (One Time Password) is sent to your mobile number, allowing you to log
in to your account safely. Be extra careful when you are using the TOR
browser for accessing your account.

If you provide your mobile number to a website, it will only hamper your
anonymity status online, as it will be easier to track you down using your
number. Note that even if you are using a SIM card registered in some other
person’s name, your telecom operator can easily track you down as they also
keep your device’s IMEI number in their database and can be used to track you.

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More to follow, stay secure!!!
Nomen Nescio
2023-06-11 23:35:49 UTC
Things You Should Not Do When You Are Using TOR Browser Part 2

Is Tor safe? Is it really anonymous?...

It depends. The Tor browser minimizes the chances of spying and
eavesdropping, but nothing is fool-proof nowadays. The Tor network also has
its weaknesses, mostly present at its endpoints where the traffic leaves
the network.

Being optimistic, Tor is one of the best options we currently have. But
it’s advised that you shouldn’t mess with Tor’s default settings unless you
know what you’re doing. That’s because enabling Javascript and other
plugins could contribute to leaking your IP address.

Regarding anonymity, one can’t live with the belief that security agencies
can’t penetrate the network and track someone. But in everyday usage, you
shouldn’t be much concerned unless you’re some drug dealer or a high profile
person trying to dodge surveillance systems.

However, the popularity of the onion router has motivated hackers to create
malware and make it look like the Tor browser. This is one thing users
should worry about. Also, Tor is the gateway to the dark web and criminal
activities. The type of content available on the dark web isn’t appropriate
for many users.

Moreover, you can’t turn a blind eye to the fact that a little of your
mistake will contribute to divulging your identity on the internet, no
matter how secure do you consider yourself. TOR doesn’t magically read your
mind and prevent any of the foolish activities that you may perform. So,
there are a few things you need to keep in mind, and it will help you to be
anonymous online.

1. Don’t use your mobile phone for 2-Step verification on Tor...

Most websites provide a 2-Step verification using a mobile number in which
an OTP (One Time Password) is sent to your mobile number, allowing you to log
in to your account safely. Be extra careful when you are using the TOR
browser for accessing your account.

If you provide your mobile number to a website, it will only hamper your
anonymity status online, as it will be easier to track you down using your
number. Note that even if you are using a SIM card registered in some other
person’s name, your telecom operator can easily track you down as they also
keep your device’s IMEI number in their database and can be used to track you.

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More to follow, stay secure!!!
2023-06-12 00:20:20 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
Things You Should Not Do When You Are Using TOR Browser Part 2
Is Tor safe? Is it really anonymous?...
It depends. The Tor browser minimizes the chances of spying and
eavesdropping, but nothing is fool-proof nowadays. The Tor network also has
its weaknesses, mostly present at its endpoints where the traffic leaves
the network.
Being optimistic, Tor is one of the best options we currently have.
Post by Nomen Nescio
Get an encrypted email provider free or premium service here... https://tutanota.com/
More to follow, stay secure!!!
And keep in mind, different from OmniMix Tutanota does NOT support Tor!
2023-06-12 02:15:24 UTC
On Mon, 12 Jun 2023 00:20:20 +0000
Post by Anonymous
Post by Nomen Nescio
Things You Should Not Do When You Are Using TOR Browser Part
Is Tor safe? Is it really anonymous?...
It depends. The Tor browser minimizes the chances of spying and
eavesdropping, but nothing is fool-proof nowadays. The Tor network
also has its weaknesses, mostly present at its endpoints where the
traffic leaves the network.
Being optimistic, Tor is one of the best options we currently have.
Post by Nomen Nescio
Get an encrypted email provider free or premium service here... https://tutanota.com/
More to follow, stay secure!!!
And keep in mind, different from OmniMix Tutanota does NOT support Tor!
@development $> torsocks firefox https://tutanota.com

@development $> torify firefox https://tutanota.com

@development $> proxychains firefox https://tutanota.com

@development $> set http_proxy='' ; firefox

@development $> set https_proxy='' ; firefox

@development $> set socks5_proxy='' ; firefox

There. Tutanota supports Tor.
Nomen Nescio
2023-06-12 00:56:22 UTC
Things You Should Not Do When You Are Using TOR Browser Part 3

2. Don’t operate user accounts outside TOR...

If you use the TOR browser for checking your Facebook, Twitter, or email
accounts, don’t ever use those accounts outside the TOR browser as it will
expose your online identity to the website. Almost every site on the web now
logs information like your login and logout time, your location, your IP
address, and other details. Using your account on the open internet even once
will be enough to get your IP address logged and eventually reveal your

3. Don’t post your personal information...

You must embed this point in your heart, do not post any personal information
like name, address, birthday, credit card number while using TOR. It will
uncover your identity, and there will no point using the TOR; hope you can

To keep yourself completely hidden, you need to be pseudonymous. Now, what’s
that? It means you need to present yourself as a person with disparate
behavior while using TOR. The new person should have different kinds of likes
and hatred, food choices, fantasies, etc.

For that purpose, create a new user account with a new email address that
doesn’t reflect even a bit of your real identity. You can use that email for
your social accounts and enjoy your anonymity and praise the power of TOR.

Also, don’t confuse between anonymity and pseudonymity.

An anonymous connection is the one where the webserver to which you want to
connect has no idea about your real IP address/location and your identity.

A pseudonymous connection is the one in which the server you’re contacting
has no idea about your actual IP address/location, but does have an identity
it can associate with the connection.

4. Don’t send unencrypted data over TOR...

While you were reading the article about TOR, you came across the fact that
TOR encrypts your connection, not your data, and TOR’s exit nodes are
vulnerable. So, it is highly advisable not to send unencrypted data over the
TOR network, as someone might access your confidential information while the
data is on the last node.

5. Don’t use TOR with Windows?...

Microsoft’s Windows is the world’s most used operating system for desktops.
Older versions of Tor for Windows have shipped with vulnerabilities capable
of revealing your identity even if you are using the TOR to access the
internet. Hence, using Tor on Windows has remained a topic of concern,
although, it doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

Linux systems will serve you well for this purpose. Linux distributions like
Tails and Whonix are pre-configured with TOR. You can configure it manually
on any distribution you may like.

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Stay secure, more to follow!!!
Nomen Nescio
2023-06-17 00:50:35 UTC
Things You Should Not Do When You Are Using TOR Browser Part 4

6. Don’t forget to delete cookies and local website data...

When you access a website, it sends a small file to your computer, known as
a cookie. It keeps the record of your browsing habits and other data so that
the website can recognize you on your next visit. Some websites may also
store data locally on your hard drive.

You should delete those cookie files and local website data after every
browsing session you perform on TOR. These things may allow the website to
gather information about you and track your location and IP address.

Later versions of the Tor browser automatically deleted website cookies and
download history after you end a session. Alternatively, you can click on
the New Identity option (click the onion button before the address bar) to
the same without closing the Tor browser.

7. Don’t use TOR for Google Search...

If you want to be anonymous while using TOR, don’t use Google to search
your queries. Though it sounds weird, this is because Google collects
information like your search requests, stores cookie files on your
computer, and tracks your browsing habits to power its advertisement

You don’t want to reveal that, do you? So, you can use other search engines
like DuckDuckGo and StartPage as they don’t log your IP address or any
other activity. In fact, there have been instances where Google doesn’t
work correctly with Tor. The search engine might display an error message
or ask you to solve a captcha. That’s because people reaching Google
through Tor becomes seem suspicious.

8. Don’t use HTTP website on TOR...

You very well know that TOR can be exploited using the vulnerabilities
present at its exit nodes. So, if you access HTTP sites using TOR, there
are chances someone might access your information while it is on the
endpoints. The data transferred to and from an HTTP site is unencrypted and
can be viewed at the endpoints as TOR only encrypts the connection inside
its network.

You can prevent such situations by the use of HTTPS websites. They use
end-to-end encryption protocols like SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and TLS
(Transport Layer Security). So, all your data remains safe, even if it is
outside the TOR network.

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More to follow, stay secure!!!
Nomen Nescio
2023-06-21 23:35:00 UTC
'END TO END' encrypted email provider free or premium services here... https://tutanota.com/

Things You Should Not Do When You Are Using TOR Browser Part 5 (Final)

9. Don’t connect to the same server with and without TOR simultaneously...

Here is one important thing you need to keep in mind. If you are accessing
a particular remote server using TOR (anonymously), don’t access the same
server from outside the TOR network (non-anonymously) as it may lead to a
revelation of your actual identity. This is because in case your internet
is down, both your connections will terminate at the same moment, and it
will not be much difficult for someone spying on you to relate the pieces
and complete the puzzle.

Also, a web server might try to correlate the two connections by increasing
or decreasing speed on one of your TOR or non-TOR connection to see whether
the speed fluctuates on the other one and consequently trace your real IP

Why should you go anonymous using Tor?...

Now, we have already discussed whether Tor is anonymous and what practices
you should follow to be safe on the network. Let’s talk about some reasons
and benefits of going anonymous using Tor:

Your ISP can’t track your browsing activity.
Stalkers won’t be able to follow you.
Websites and services can’t track your data and show personalized ads.
You can do whatever you want without being judged.
You can share confidential data while hiding yourself.

Use VPN with Tor...

So by now, you have understood how important it is to stay anonymous when
using Tor. The best way to do so is to use a VPN. There are lots of options
you can choose from but which one should you go for. You check out our guide
for the Best VPN Services Providers to stay safe and secure.

Keep in mind some sketchy websites can track your data if you are not
careful enough. If you are visiting a shady part of the internet like the
dark web, we highly recommend using services such as Surfshark VPN, Private
Internet Access, or NordVPN.

Final Words...

TOR is a great option to be anonymous on the internet, even if the federal
agencies criticize it for acting as a shed for unlawful activities. Let me
assure you; it wasn’t created for that purpose. You only need to take some
precautions so you don’t bust yourself on the network.

Being anonymous is the need sometimes. Maybe, because you just want to be
Pseudonymous for a while, or you are an activist who wants to spread some
information, or someone’s following you on the internet. TOR is there for
you, you only have to learn how to use it efficiently, and you’ll start
loving the digital world. Also, check out our blog on What’s best to use Tor
or VPN in detail here!

Will Tor give me a virus?...

No, Tor is an open project designed to provide anonymity and implements
various security measures to protect the users. Still, if you visit
malicious sites using Tor there are chances some malware can make its way to
your system.

Is it safe to use tor without VPN?...

By default, the Tor network is designed to work without a VPN. Its onion
routing protocol makes it harder for anyone to track the origin of data.
Using Tor in combination with VPN will enhance the security and anonymity
of your connection.

Is it illegal to surf the dark web?...

It’s not illegal to browse websites on the dark web. But visiting websites
involved in illicit activities such as sale of drugs, child pornography, etc.
might land you in trouble. Law enforcement agencies are always busy
cracking down on such dark web portals making money off illegal activities.

Superb 'END TO END' encrypted email provider free or premium services here... https://tutanota.com/

Always stay secure!!!
Nomen Nescio
2023-06-21 23:55:03 UTC
'END TO END' encrypted email provider free or premium services here... https://tutanota.com/

Things You Should Not Do When You Are Using TOR Browser Part 5 (Final)

9. Don’t connect to the same server with and without TOR simultaneously...

Here is one important thing you need to keep in mind. If you are accessing
a particular remote server using TOR (anonymously), don’t access the same
server from outside the TOR network (non-anonymously) as it may lead to a
revelation of your actual identity. This is because in case your internet
is down, both your connections will terminate at the same moment, and it
will not be much difficult for someone spying on you to relate the pieces
and complete the puzzle.

Also, a web server might try to correlate the two connections by increasing
or decreasing speed on one of your TOR or non-TOR connection to see whether
the speed fluctuates on the other one and consequently trace your real IP

Why should you go anonymous using Tor?...

Now, we have already discussed whether Tor is anonymous and what practices
you should follow to be safe on the network. Let’s talk about some reasons
and benefits of going anonymous using Tor:

Your ISP can’t track your browsing activity.
Stalkers won’t be able to follow you.
Websites and services can’t track your data and show personalized ads.
You can do whatever you want without being judged.
You can share confidential data while hiding yourself.

Use VPN with Tor...

So by now, you have understood how important it is to stay anonymous when
using Tor. The best way to do so is to use a VPN. There are lots of options
you can choose from but which one should you go for. You check out our guide
for the Best VPN Services Providers to stay safe and secure.

Keep in mind some sketchy websites can track your data if you are not
careful enough. If you are visiting a shady part of the internet like the
dark web, we highly recommend using services such as Surfshark VPN, Private
Internet Access, or NordVPN.

Final Words...

TOR is a great option to be anonymous on the internet, even if the federal
agencies criticize it for acting as a shed for unlawful activities. Let me
assure you; it wasn’t created for that purpose. You only need to take some
precautions so you don’t bust yourself on the network.

Being anonymous is the need sometimes. Maybe, because you just want to be
Pseudonymous for a while, or you are an activist who wants to spread some
information, or someone’s following you on the internet. TOR is there for
you, you only have to learn how to use it efficiently, and you’ll start
loving the digital world. Also, check out our blog on What’s best to use Tor
or VPN in detail here!

Will Tor give me a virus?...

No, Tor is an open project designed to provide anonymity and implements
various security measures to protect the users. Still, if you visit
malicious sites using Tor there are chances some malware can make its way to
your system.

Is it safe to use tor without VPN?...

By default, the Tor network is designed to work without a VPN. Its onion
routing protocol makes it harder for anyone to track the origin of data.
Using Tor in combination with VPN will enhance the security and anonymity
of your connection.

Is it illegal to surf the dark web?...

It’s not illegal to browse websites on the dark web. But visiting websites
involved in illicit activities such as sale of drugs, child pornography, etc.
might land you in trouble. Law enforcement agencies are always busy
cracking down on such dark web portals making money off illegal activities.

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Always stay secure!!!
