Richter or Merkel ?
(too old to reply)
Steve Brown
2022-08-14 23:27:52 UTC
In the film San Andreas, do we use the Richter scale or the Merkel scale to measure earthquakes?

We should remember this information, after all, Americans don't make films for nothing, films are also an education.
William Unruh
2022-08-15 00:01:49 UTC
Post by Steve Brown
In the film San Andreas, do we use the Richter scale or the Merkel scale to measure earthquakes?
Merkel was the chancellor of Germany. Although she caused many
earthquakes, they are no the same as the ones that the San Andreas fault
produces. Perhaps you meant Mercalli.
Richter (or Moment Magnitude now) measure the energy released by the
eathquake. Mercalli measures the damage caused by the earthquae. So both
could be used.
Post by Steve Brown
We should remember this information, after all, Americans don't make films for nothing, films are also an education.
Nope they cost many millions of dollars, and are primarily made to make
money for the filmaker/distributors/...
Truth or accuracy are not the first consideration.
Steve Brown
2022-08-17 12:08:38 UTC
Post by William Unruh
Post by Steve Brown
In the film San Andreas, do we use the Richter scale or the Merkel scale to measure earthquakes?
Merkel was the chancellor of Germany. Although she caused many
earthquakes, they are no the same as the ones that the San Andreas fault
produces. Perhaps you meant Mercalli.
Richter (or Moment Magnitude now) measure the energy released by the
eathquake. Mercalli measures the damage caused by the earthquae. So both
could be used.
Post by Steve Brown
We should remember this information, after all, Americans don't make films for nothing, films are also an education.
Nope they cost many millions of dollars, and are primarily made to make
money for the filmaker/distributors/...
Truth or accuracy are not the first consideration.
Sorry, that's my mistake. After checking I realize that it was about Mercalli and not Merkel.