Frelled From: Headers #2 - 2023-07-31
(too old to reply)
Nomen Nescio
2023-08-01 01:40:59 UTC
Tutanota Gives Me A Sexy Orgasm

It is a stimulating feeling and so wonderful that having Tutanota on board as my main
"end to end encryption" email provider keeps me safe and secure, are you?

You know you really want it and now I have your attention all the sexy details you
need to know are below...

Tutanota Is Breaking New Ground With Post Quantum Encryption For Email

Tutanota is the best end to end email encryption provider in the world.

Data that Tutanota encrypts end-to-end...

Emails, including subject lines and all attachments
Entire calendars, even metadata such as event notifications
Entire address book, not just parts of the contacts
Inbox rules / filters
And the entire search index.

Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/

More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project

And here: https://tutanota.com/blog/posts/cybersecurity-strategy-post-quantum-encryption

Independent Tutanota review: https://privacysavvy.com/email/guides/tutanota-guide/

Two primary algorithms to be implemented for post quantum encryption:
CRYSTALS-KYBER (key-establishment) and CRYSTALS-Dilithium (digital signatures).

Are you quantum ready???
Fritz Wuehler
2023-08-01 09:07:13 UTC
Tutanota Gives Me A Sexy Orgasm

It is a stimulating feeling and so wonderful that having Tutanota on board as my main
"end to end encryption" email provider keeps me safe and secure, are you?

You know you really want it and now I have your attention all the sexy details you
need to know are below...

Tutanota Is Breaking New Ground With Post Quantum Encryption For Email

Tutanota is the best end to end email encryption provider in the world.

Data that Tutanota encrypts end-to-end...

Emails, including subject lines and all attachments
Entire calendars, even metadata such as event notifications
Entire address book, not just parts of the contacts
Inbox rules / filters
And the entire search index.

Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/

More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project

And here: https://tutanota.com/blog/posts/cybersecurity-strategy-post-quantum-encryption

Independent Tutanota review: https://privacysavvy.com/email/guides/tutanota-guide/

Two primary algorithms to be implemented for post quantum encryption:
CRYSTALS-KYBER (key-establishment) and CRYSTALS-Dilithium (digital signatures).

Are you quantum ready???
2023-08-01 12:41:50 UTC
On Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:07:13 +0200, Fritz Wuehler
Post by Nomen Nescio
Tutanota Gives Me A Sexy Orgasm
It is a stimulating feeling and so wonderful that having Tutanota on board as my main
"end to end encryption" email provider keeps me safe and secure, are you?
You know you really want it and now I have your attention all the sexy details you
need to know are below...
Tutanota Is Breaking New Ground With Post Quantum Encryption For Email
Is there still any question that these spam-like posts are not from
Tutanota but from some sicko who wants to destroy the site?
