PGP Digital Timestamping: what is this good for?
(too old to reply)
2013-08-16 17:29:28 UTC
what is PGP Digital Timestamping: what is this good for? Who can
use it
and for what?
David W. Hodgins
2013-08-16 20:32:15 UTC
Post by R***@dizum.com
what is PGP Digital Timestamping: what is this good for? Who can
use it
and for what?
See the Timestamping section at

Regards, Dave Hodgins
Change nomail.afraid.org to ody.ca to reply by email.
(nomail.afraid.org has been set up specifically for
use in usenet. Feel free to use it yourself.)
2013-08-17 20:34:24 UTC
Post by David W. Hodgins
See the Timestamping section at
Thnks. But it's not more than bla.
David E. Ross
2013-08-18 00:15:26 UTC
Post by R***@dizum.com
what is PGP Digital Timestamping: what is this good for? Who can
use it
and for what?
Anyone can use it.

I had an idea for a new software product and service that fell outside
of what the department where I worked did. I wanted to make sure
someone else did not claim credit for it.

I wrote up to product in a Word document, used PGP to obtain a detached
digital signature on the document, and sent the signature file to the
PGP Digital Timestamping Service. The Service returned its own detached
signature file on my signature file. Only after I received the
Service's signature file, I then sent the Word document to the proper
department where the software could be developed and the service marketed.

My signature file could be used to prove I had access to the Word
document. The PGP Digital Timestamping Service signature file could
then be used to prove I did not "diddle" my PC clock for the time-stamp
that appears in all PGP signatures; that is, I could establish my
priority of ownership of the Word document.
David E. Ross

Concerned about someone (e.g., the government)
snooping into your E-mail? Use PGP.
See my <http://www.rossde.com/PGP/>
Edward A. Falk
2013-12-04 19:05:36 UTC
Post by R***@dizum.com
what is PGP Digital Timestamping: what is this good for? Who can
use it
and for what?
It's basically a zero-knowlegde proof-of-authorship (or at least
proof-of-posession) system.

Write a document (or anything, really), compute a cryptographically secure
hash, send it to the timestamping service. Now you have irrefutable
proof that the document was in your possesion as of that date, and you
never have to reveal the contents until you're ready.

Anybody can use it. Its primary purpose is presumably to assert
copyright, but you can use it for anything.
-Ed Falk, ***@despams.r.us.com