Anonymous iPhone?
(too old to reply)
2013-01-26 10:26:37 UTC
I'm tired of carrying my laptop around everywhere. Is there a good mixmaster or gpg program for an iphone? Is anyone here working on making an iphone an anonymous server?

Do iphones broadcast your identity when you turn on its wifi?
2013-01-26 17:21:49 UTC
Post by Frog
I'm tired of carrying my laptop around everywhere. Is there a good mixmaster or gpg program for an iphone? Is anyone here working on making an iphone an anonymous server?
Do iphones broadcast your identity when you turn on its wifi?
From what I have been reading about all cell phones, you can
forget about ANY security features. They are a hackers paradise
and a security horror show complete with nightmares!
Otto Sykora
2013-02-06 06:36:10 UTC
well, recently my friend from us writes me from his iPhone gpg
encrypted mails, so something exists definitely.

On Android I have few things like that.
Hal Brownlock
2013-08-10 12:19:59 UTC
Post by Frog
I'm tired of carrying my laptop around everywhere. Is there a good mixmaster or gpg program for an iphone? Is anyone here working on making an iphone an anonymous server?
Do iphones broadcast your identity when you turn on its wifi?
I know a little old but apple products phone home there is no hidding
with them

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Date: Sat Aug 10 12:19:59 2013 GMT
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2013-10-05 11:10:17 UTC
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Post by Frog
I'm tired of carrying my laptop around everywhere. Is there a good
mixmaster or gpg program for an iphone? Is anyone here working on
making an iphone an anonymous server?
Do iphones broadcast your identity when you turn on its wifi?
I know a little old but apple products phone home there is no hidding
with them
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It implies no approval from the administrators of nym.mixmin.net.
Date: Sat Aug 10 12:19:59 2013 GMT
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There is some Tor browser implementation for iPhone, but I'm not sure if
it's free and open source.
