alt.anonymous.messages Will Be Ravaged By The NSA, Quantum Is Looming
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Fritz Wuehler
2023-07-22 03:53:22 UTC
Why do you think they closed and banned the alt.drugs group and not alt.anonymous.messages?
Check for yourself: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.drugs
alt.anonymous.messages: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.anonymous.messages

The reason is the NSA want you to keep posting your 'anonymous' messages there so that they
will decrypt them with quantum computers before 2030. A lot will be going to jail and yes
you will be encrypted alright, you will be encrypted in a small prison cell!

People must be mad to think they can post encrypted messages in a public forum and never
get caught!!!

You can destroy your hard drive but you can't delete alt.anonymous.messages! All those
people who have posted anonymous messages won't get much sleep when this breaks.

It's like before police had dna testing and many innocent people were unjustjy jailed and
then police get dna testing and innocent people are released and the guilty jailed.

Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/
More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project

Are you quantum ready???
Fritz Wuehler
2023-07-22 09:00:12 UTC
Post by Fritz Wuehler
Why do you think they closed and banned the alt.drugs group
'cause you were taking too many!
