PGPPATH not working in Windows 2003 Server
(too old to reply)
2008-09-24 19:38:12 UTC
Installed PGP and set Env Var PGPPATH to point to a folder to contain
the keyrings.....Logged off and back on.

PGP is still creating the keyrings in
C:\documents and setting\UserName\Application Data\PGP

I want my keyring files to be in D:\PGPKEYRING, not in the user's ~/
Application Data Folder.

John Wunderlich
2008-09-24 20:14:54 UTC
Post by JTF
Installed PGP and set Env Var PGPPATH to point to a folder to contain
the keyrings.....Logged off and back on.
PGP is still creating the keyrings in
C:\documents and setting\UserName\Application Data\PGP
I want my keyring files to be in D:\PGPKEYRING, not in the user's ~/
Application Data Folder.
From Tom McCune's Website <http://www.mccune.cc/PGPpage2.htm>
In the "PGP 9.x Issues" section:

"# If you want to change your keyring location, open PGP Desktop. In
the PGP Keys control box on the top of the left side, right click on
All Keys and select Properties."

Neil W Rickert
2008-09-25 00:37:15 UTC
Post by JTF
Installed PGP and set Env Var PGPPATH to point to a folder to contain
the keyrings.....Logged off and back on.
PGP is still creating the keyrings in
C:\documents and setting\UserName\Application Data\PGP
Your PGPPATH will possibly work if you delete the file
PGPsdkPreferences, and let it be recreated in the new path. Or at
least that works on unix.
Otto Sykora
2008-09-25 21:29:12 UTC
Post by JTF
Installed PGP and set Env Var PGPPATH to point to a folder to contain
the keyrings.....Logged off and back on.
PGP is still creating the keyrings in
C:\documents and setting\UserName\Application Data\PGP
I want my keyring files to be in D:\PGPKEYRING, not in the user's ~/
Application Data Folder.
But: what do you intedn to do with the env. variable PGPPATH?
Under which operating system?
I will work under dos, w95, w98, but will not work under any later
(NT-like) windows OS.
Env. variables are only valid for the instance of cmd line where they
were set from. You can not use such env. var any more.
The sttings will happen via config files, depending on version editable
by notepad, but all will not follow any env.var.
2008-09-26 15:24:24 UTC
Post by Otto Sykora
Post by JTF
Installed PGP and set Env Var PGPPATH to point to a folder to contain
the keyrings.....Logged off and back on.
PGP is still creating the keyrings in
C:\documents and setting\UserName\Application Data\PGP
I want my keyring files to be in D:\PGPKEYRING, not in the user's ~/
Application Data   Folder.
But: what do you intedn to do with the env. variable PGPPATH?
Under which operating system?
I will work under dos, w95, w98, but will not work under any later
(NT-like) windows OS.
Env. variables are only valid for the instance of cmd line where they
were set from. You can not use such env. var any more.
The sttings will happen via config files, depending on version editable
by notepad, but all will not follow any env.var.
It set the env var at the control panel.......I also tried deleting
the file(s) in question but it still insists on creating the keys
under my user. I need to keys to be in a generic spot for others to
access, more specifically, my scheduled jobs

Also, this PGP is the command line version, not GUI.
2008-09-26 15:54:29 UTC
Post by JTF
Post by Otto Sykora
Post by JTF
Installed PGP and set Env Var PGPPATH to point to a folder to
contain the keyrings.....Logged off and back on.
PGP is still creating the keyrings in
C:\documents and setting\UserName\Application Data\PGP
I want my keyring files to be in D:\PGPKEYRING, not in the
user's ~/ Application Data   Folder.
But: what do you intedn to do with the env. variable PGPPATH?
Under which operating system?
I will work under dos, w95, w98, but will not work under any
later (NT-like) windows OS.
Env. variables are only valid for the instance of cmd line where
they were set from. You can not use such env. var any more.
The sttings will happen via config files, depending on version
editable by notepad, but all will not follow any env.var.
It set the env var at the control panel.......I also tried
deleting the file(s) in question but it still insists on creating
the keys under my user. I need to keys to be in a generic spot
for others to access, more specifically, my scheduled jobs
Also, this PGP is the command line version, not GUI.
Where is pgp.cfg?

Put it in %pgppath% and ensure that pgp.cfg content has correct
parameters for pubring, secring, randseed, groupsfile, etc.
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
2008-09-26 16:01:38 UTC
Post by Guy
Post by JTF
Post by Otto Sykora
Post by JTF
Installed PGP and set Env Var PGPPATH to point to a folder to
contain the keyrings.....Logged off and back on.
PGP is still creating the keyrings in
C:\documents and setting\UserName\Application Data\PGP
I want my keyring files to be in D:\PGPKEYRING, not in the
user's ~/ Application Data   Folder.
But: what do you intedn to do with the env. variable PGPPATH?
Under which operating system?
I will work under dos, w95, w98, but will not work under any
later (NT-like) windows OS.
Env. variables are only valid for the instance of cmd line where
they were set from. You can not use such env. var any more.
The sttings will happen via config files, depending on version
editable by notepad, but all will not follow any env.var.
It set the env var at the control panel.......I also tried
deleting the file(s) in question but it still insists on creating
the keys under my user.  I need to keys to be in a generic spot
for others to access, more specifically, my scheduled jobs
Also, this PGP is the command line version, not GUI.
Where is pgp.cfg?
Put it in %pgppath% and ensure that pgp.cfg content has correct
parameters for pubring, secring, randseed, groupsfile, etc.
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
pgp.cfg is in PGPPATH (D:\pgpkeyring)

pgp.cfg is 0 bytes
2008-09-26 16:31:59 UTC
Post by JTF
pgp.cfg is in PGPPATH (D:\pgpkeyring)
pgp.cfg is 0 bytes

$ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.pubring=d:\pgpkeyring\pubring.pkr
$ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.secring=d:\pgpkeyring\secring.skr


$ pgp -kc

What happens?
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
2008-09-26 16:44:55 UTC
Post by JTF
pgp.cfg is in PGPPATH (D:\pgpkeyring)
pgp.cfg is 0 bytes
    $ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.pubring=d:\pgpkeyring\pubring.pkr
    $ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.secring=d:\pgpkeyring\secring.skr
    $ pgp -kc
What happens?
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
pgp.cfg now contains

I deleted c:\documents and settings\UserName\PGP directory

Ran pgp -kc

PGP was recreated under my user and no other files in PGPPATH
2008-09-26 21:02:14 UTC
Post by JTF
Post by JTF
pgp.cfg is in PGPPATH (D:\pgpkeyring)
pgp.cfg is 0 bytes
  $ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.pubring=d:\pgpkeyring\pubring.pkr
 $ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.secring=d:\pgpkeyring\secring.skr
  $ pgp -kc
What happens?
pgp.cfg now contains
I deleted c:\documents and settings\UserName\PGP directory
Ran pgp -kc
PGP was recreated under my user and no other files in PGPPATH
Silly query... What is output of:

$ echo.%pgppath%


$ pgp -kc

You should get "Keyring check error." or display of your pubkeyring
as defined in the pgp.cfg file.


$ :: original pgppath
$ echo.%pgppath%
E:\Program Files\Network Associates\PGPNT

$ :: change pgppath
$ set pgppath=t:\foobar

$ md t:\foobar

$ :: write dummy pgp.cfg file
$ >>t:\foobar\pgp.cfg echo.pubring=t:\pubring.pkr

$ >>t:\foobar\pgp.cfg echo.secring=t:\secring.skr

$ ::contents of dummy file
$ type t:\foobar\pgp.cfg

$ :: checking keys in nonexistant keyrings
$ :: from paths defined in dummy file
$ pgp -kc
Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8ckt http://www.ipgpp.com/
(c) 1999 Network Associates Inc.

Export of this software may be restricted by the U.S. government.

Keyring check error.

OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
2008-09-27 00:41:27 UTC
Post by JTF
Post by JTF
pgp.cfg is in PGPPATH (D:\pgpkeyring)
pgp.cfg is 0 bytes
  $ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.pubring=d:\pgpkeyring\pubring.pkr
  $ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.secring=d:\pgpkeyring\secring.skr
  $ pgp -kc
What happens?
pgp.cfg now contains
I deleted c:\documents and settings\UserName\PGP   directory
Ran pgp -kc
PGP was recreated under my user and no other files in PGPPATH
    $ echo.%pgppath%
    $ pgp -kc
You should get "Keyring check error."  or display of your pubkeyring
as defined in the pgp.cfg file.
  $ :: original pgppath
  $ echo.%pgppath%
  E:\Program Files\Network Associates\PGPNT
  $ :: change pgppath
  $ set pgppath=t:\foobar
  $ md t:\foobar
  $ :: write dummy pgp.cfg file
  $ >>t:\foobar\pgp.cfg echo.pubring=t:\pubring.pkr
  $ >>t:\foobar\pgp.cfg echo.secring=t:\secring.skr
  $ ::contents of dummy file
  $ type t:\foobar\pgp.cfg
  $ :: checking keys in nonexistant keyrings
  $ ::  from paths defined in dummy file
  $ pgp -kc
  Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8ckthttp://www.ipgpp.com/
  (c) 1999 Network Associates Inc.
  Export of this software may be restricted by the U.S. government.
  Keyring check error.
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
I will need to check on Monday ......I will reply ASAP Monday Morning.
2008-09-29 13:29:28 UTC
Post by JTF
Post by JTF
pgp.cfg is in PGPPATH (D:\pgpkeyring)
pgp.cfg is 0 bytes
  $ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.pubring=d:\pgpkeyring\pubring.pkr
  $ >>d:\pgpkeyring\pgp.cfg echo.secring=d:\pgpkeyring\secring.skr
  $ pgp -kc
What happens?
pgp.cfg now contains
I deleted c:\documents and settings\UserName\PGP   directory
Ran pgp -kc
PGP was recreated under my user and no other files in PGPPATH
    $ echo.%pgppath%
    $ pgp -kc
You should get "Keyring check error."  or display of your pubkeyring
as defined in the pgp.cfg file.
  $ :: original pgppath
  $ echo.%pgppath%
  E:\Program Files\Network Associates\PGPNT
  $ :: change pgppath
  $ set pgppath=t:\foobar
  $ md t:\foobar
  $ :: write dummy pgp.cfg file
  $ >>t:\foobar\pgp.cfg echo.pubring=t:\pubring.pkr
  $ >>t:\foobar\pgp.cfg echo.secring=t:\secring.skr
  $ ::contents of dummy file
  $ type t:\foobar\pgp.cfg
  $ :: checking keys in nonexistant keyrings
  $ ::  from paths defined in dummy file
  $ pgp -kc
  Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8ckthttp://www.ipgpp.com/
  (c) 1999 Network Associates Inc.
  Export of this software may be restricted by the U.S. government.
  Keyring check error.
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
echo %pgppath% is


Following your instructions, I am getting a keyring check error

It is interesting that even though I have set an env var in computer
properties, It basically ignores the variable. Evidently, setting the
var in a command session is working.......

What would be the solution here?
2008-09-29 14:17:42 UTC
Post by JTF
echo %pgppath% is
It is interesting that even though I have set an env var in
computer properties, It basically ignores the variable.
Evidently, setting the var in a command session is working.......
What would be the solution here?
At a new prompt do

$ set

Do you see PGPPATH=D:\pgpkeyring ?

Ensure you used correct variable spelling in

Control Panel > System.
Advanced tab | Environment Variables
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
2008-09-29 15:40:24 UTC
Post by Guy
Post by JTF
echo %pgppath% is
It is interesting that even though I have set an env var in
computer properties, It basically ignores the variable.
Evidently, setting the var in a command session is working.......
What would be the solution here?
At a new prompt do
    $ set
Do you see PGPPATH=D:\pgpkeyring ?
Ensure you used correct variable spelling in
Control Panel > System.
Advanced tab | Environment Variables
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
set output for PGPPATH is D:\pgpkeyring
In Advanced tab | Environment Variables System the value for PGPPATH
is my original D:\pgpkeyring

Confirmed that the path specified and the directory spelling are
2008-09-29 18:57:11 UTC
Post by JTF
Post by Guy
Post by JTF
echo %pgppath% is
It is interesting that even though I have set an env var in
computer properties, It basically ignores the variable.
Evidently, setting the var in a command session is working.......
What would be the solution here?
At a new prompt do
    $ set
Do you see PGPPATH=D:\pgpkeyring ?
Ensure you used correct variable spelling in
Control Panel > System.
Advanced tab | Environment Variables
set output for PGPPATH is D:\pgpkeyring
In Advanced tab | Environment Variables System the value for PGPPATH
is my original D:\pgpkeyring
Confirmed that the path specified and the directory spelling are
Then these have to be the same:

$ set | find /i "pgppath"

$ echo.%pgppath%
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
2008-09-30 12:49:06 UTC
Post by JTF
Post by Guy
Post by JTF
echo %pgppath% is
It is interesting that even though I have set an env var in
computer properties, It basically ignores the variable.
Evidently, setting the var in a command session is working.......
What would be the solution here?
At a new prompt do
    $ set
Do you see PGPPATH=D:\pgpkeyring ?
Ensure you used correct variable spelling in
Control Panel > System.
Advanced tab | Environment Variables
set output for PGPPATH is D:\pgpkeyring
In Advanced tab | Environment Variables System the value for PGPPATH
is my original D:\pgpkeyring
Confirmed that the path specified and the directory spelling are
    $ set | find /i "pgppath"
    $ echo.%pgppath%
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
set | find /i "pgppath" gave nothing

echo.%pgppath% just gives me %pgppath%
2008-09-30 12:54:57 UTC
Post by JTF
Post by Guy
Post by JTF
echo %pgppath% is
It is interesting that even though I have set an env var in
computer properties, It basically ignores the variable.
Evidently, setting the var in a command session is working.......
What would be the solution here?
At a new prompt do
    $ set
Do you see PGPPATH=D:\pgpkeyring ?
Ensure you used correct variable spelling in
Control Panel > System.
Advanced tab | Environment Variables
set output for PGPPATH is D:\pgpkeyring
In Advanced tab | Environment Variables System the value for PGPPATH
is my original D:\pgpkeyring
Confirmed that the path specified and the directory spelling are
    $ set | find /i "pgppath"
    $ echo.%pgppath%
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
set | find /i "pgppath"

2008-10-01 18:26:03 UTC
Post by Guy
Post by JTF
Post by Guy
Post by JTF
echo %pgppath% is
It is interesting that even though I have set an env var in
computer properties, It basically ignores the variable.
Evidently, setting the var in a command session is working.......
What would be the solution here?
At a new prompt do
    $ set
Do you see PGPPATH=D:\pgpkeyring ?
Ensure you used correct variable spelling in
Control Panel > System.
Advanced tab | Environment Variables
set output for PGPPATH is D:\pgpkeyring
In Advanced tab | Environment Variables System the value for PGPPATH
is my original D:\pgpkeyring
Confirmed that the path specified and the directory spelling are
    $ set | find /i "pgppath"
    $ echo.%pgppath%
OpenPGP: id=18795161E22D3905; preference=signencrypt;
set | find /i "pgppath"
2008-10-01 19:10:08 UTC
Post by JTF
Hello JTF:

I know this must sound lame after putting in a week on this; has support
at pgp.com been any help?

Best wishes to you.

@?6A62?FEH9:DE=6o2@=]4@> [r4o7t]
2008-10-02 12:59:47 UTC
Post by 1PW
Post by JTF
I know this must sound lame after putting in a week on this; has support
at pgp.com been any help?
Best wishes to you.
@?6A62?FEH9:DE=6o2@=]4@> [r4o7t]
The version is old and therefore unsupported. We are using the
community version of 6.5.8. This is the version supplied to us from
our bank.
