Decryption failure with pgpv
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Arun Kumar
2020-12-05 18:39:34 UTC
I get bellow message while trying to decrypt a file. The private key details shown below are the right ones using which we are decrypting the file.
Other files

pgpv -v -f test.csv.pgp
Message is encrypted:
Need a paraphrase to decrypt the private key:
William Unruh
2020-12-05 18:59:44 UTC
Post by Arun Kumar
I get bellow message while trying to decrypt a file. The private key details shown below are the right ones using which we are decrypting the file.
Other files
pgpv -v -f test.csv.pgp
It means that your private key file itself is encrypted and you need a
passphrase (that you set up when you generated that key) to decrypt the
private key file.

PGP works with two keys, the public key which anyone can know and needs
to know, and a private key which only you should ever know. When these
keys are generated, you are asked for a passphrase to use to encrypt the
private key file, so that noone else but you can use it. If you have
forgotten it, you will have to generate a new key pair and let anyone
who wants to send you an encrypted file what your new public key is.

If you are trying to decrypt someone else's message, tough shit. That is
what encryption is all about, to prevent others from reading it.
