Quantum Computers Will Crack PGP & Nym Accounts
(too old to reply)
Fritz Wuehler
2023-07-19 04:41:40 UTC
Post-quantum secure encryption

Tutanota is not only the most secure email service at the moment, we also plan to
stay the most secure one in the future. That's why we have been working on
post-quantum secure encryption. We launched the PQ Mail project in 2020 and we
have a working prototype that lets us encrypt emails with a hybrid protocol
combining our proven encryption algorithms with post quantum secure algorithms.

We will stay ahead of the quantum computing “arms race” and make sure that your
data stays secure, even when quantum computers will be able to break currently
used encryption algorithms.

Data that Tutanota encrypts end-to-end:

Emails, including subject lines and all attachments
Entire calendars, even metadata such as event notifications
Entire address book, not just parts of the contacts
Inbox rules / filters
And the entire search index.

Everything is encrypted! You need an account now!

Professional 'END TO END' encrypted email provider for free or premium services... https://tutanota.com/

Simply put... Tutanota is such a breeze to use and even TUTANOTA can't read your emails!
2023-07-19 20:12:41 UTC
Post by Fritz Wuehler
Tutanota is not only the most secure email service at the
moment, we also plan to stay
...piece of shit.

"This site requires javascript to be enabled. Please activate it"...
David W. Hodgins
2023-07-19 20:52:47 UTC
Post by Miner
Post by Fritz Wuehler
Tutanota is not only the most secure email service at the
moment, we also plan to stay
...piece of shit.
"This site requires javascript to be enabled. Please activate it"...
Just filter out everything posted with news.mixmin.net in the Path header.

The spammer who posted the message you're replying to finally motivated me to
filter out that mail to news gateway.

Given how much the idiot is spamming security related groups, he's either trying
to make money from it or he's part of a state level spy agency. Either way, he or
she is clearly incompetent, and the fud makes it clear the Tutanota email service
can not be trusted.

Regards, Dave Hodgins
