Imad Faiad's version 6.5.8 ckt PGP?
(too old to reply)
2021-08-15 20:15:26 UTC
What is the general concensus these days as to the security of Imad
Faiad's version 6.5.8 ckt PGP?

Is there any worthwhile concern it might have been "broken" after
all these years by the owers-that-be?
Johann Beretta
2021-10-02 08:29:07 UTC
Post by h***@invalid.com
What is the general concensus these days as to the security of Imad
Faiad's version 6.5.8 ckt PGP?
Is there any worthwhile concern it might have been "broken" after
all these years by the owers-that-be?
Broken? Hard to say. But it's ancient software. It's a really bad idea
to trust any security to software written twenty fucking years ago.
That's two decades of missed bug-fixes, algorithm updates, and general

If there are any problems in his implementation of PGP, then everybody
has had twenty years to learn about them. RNGs (Random Number
Generators) are constantly having to be fixed because someone figures
out they're not "random enough". Faster computers of today can find
patterns in much larger data sets. They can look at a LOT of RNG data.

Nobody has managed to put a truly random generator in a PC. All we keep
doing is building better Pseudo RNGs. Anyone who says otherwise (even
with silicon based RNGs) doesn't know what they're talking about.

Youtube is awash in physics videos that explain why we can't make a
perfect RNG.

PGP 6.5.8ckt - Build08 - Read me file - 05/02/2002

I mean... c'mon..
