We're calling it: PGP is dead
(too old to reply)
2018-07-27 16:13:07 UTC
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's security. Ditch encrypted email and use Signal for your messaging instead

When Edward Snowden wanted to contact filmmaker Laura Poitras to blow the whistle on activities at the NSA, his first step was to find out her public PGP key.

PGP stands for ‘Pretty Good Privacy,’ and it has been one of the dominant forms of end-to-end encryption for email communications since the 1990s. Users have a public key and a private key – senders use the former to encrypt messages, which can only be decoded by someone who has access to the latter.

Since Snowden, PGP and open-source equivalent GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) have become increasingly popular forms of encryption for whistleblowers, dissidents, and human rights activists. Journalists place links to their public keys on their Twitter profiles to give would-be sources a safe means of contacting them.

But, on May 14, researchers from Munster University of Applied Sciences released details of what’s been reported as a "serious flaw" in PGP. The exploit, dubbed 'EFail',’ uses a piece of HTML code to trick certain email clients, including Apple Mail, Outlook 2007 and Thunderbird, into revealing encrypted messages.

Some argue that the vulnerability has been blown out of proportion. “I’m not sure how widely it’s going to be exploited,” says Ross Brewer, of cybersecurity firm LogRhythm. “It’s interesting in theory.” Brewer points out that to use the exploit, hackers would already need to have access to some of your encrypted emails so that they can inject the relevant code. It also only afflicts certain email clients, and turning off HTML rendering for all emails offers an easy fix while they are patched.

Scrutiny of the vulnerability after it was published also says it was overhyped. Encrypted email provider ProtonMail published a blogpost stating there were "pretty strong caveats" to the research. Nonetheless, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit that promotes free and fair access to technology, has recommended that users stop using PGP for encryption for the time being.

But even before this week’s news, questions have been raised about the usability of PGP. Matthew Green, a cryptographer and professor at John Hopkins University has argued that “it’s time for PGP to die”. It turns out that for the majority of people, Pretty Good Privacy may not be good enough.

‘It’s time for PGP to die’

One of the many problems with PGP is its age, says Green. It was first developed in 1991 (“when we didn’t really know anything about crypto”) and then standardised into OpenPGP from 1997.

The science of cryptography has advanced dramatically since then, but PGP hasn’t, and any new implementations have to remain compatible with the features of previous tools, which can leave them vulnerable to similar exploits.

There are other faults, including the difficulty of accessing encrypted emails across multiple devices, and the issue of forward secrecy, which means that a breach potentially opens up all your past communication (unless you change your keys regularly). It’s rumoured that the NSA stockpiles encrypted messages in the hope of gaining access to the keys at a later date.

But the biggest problem with PGP is how difficult it is for people to use simply. "It’s a real pain," says Green. "There’s key management – you have to use it in your existing email client, and then you have to download keys, and then there’s this whole third issue of making sure they’re the right keys."

This criticism has plagued PGP for most of its existence. A technical research paper by Alma Whitten and JD Tygar called Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt: a Usability Evaluation of PGP 5.0 drew attention to the problem as early as 1999.

To encrypt an email manually using PGP requires a decent level of technical knowledge, and adds several steps to the process of sending each message, to the extent that even Phil Zimmerman, the creator of PGP, no longer uses it.

“All of these things have been really hard for non-experts, and even for experts,” says Green. Even Edward Snowden has screwed it up. When he first reached out anonymously to a friend of Poitras, Micah Lee, to ask him for her public PGP key, he forgot to attach his own public key, meaning that Hill had no secure way to respond to him.

Many of the issues around PGP are aligned with email being a dated form of communication. To make PGP easier to use, end users can install plug-ins for their email clients, or use browser-based solutions to encrypt and decode their messages, but this is where vulnerabilities can creep in.

In the case of EFail, the issue is not with the PGP protocol itself, but with the way it has been implemented, says Josh Boehm, founder and CEO of encrypted communications service cyph.com, which offers private voice and video chat in a web browser.

“There’s no standard way of implementing it, so a number of people have just done it wrong,” he says. “That then becomes the weakest link in the chain. It doesn’t matter how strong the chain of PGP is, if they can get you to unlock it and send that information to them it’s essentially worthless.”

The rise of encrypted messengers

We could all benefit from end-to-end encryption of our emails, but because it’s so difficult to use, PGP has largely remained the reserve of tech-savvy whistle-blowers and cryptography experts. Green says a recent search puts the number of non-expired public PGP keys at around 50,000. “That’s the total usage of PGP,” he says. “The vast majority of people don’t use it.”

By contrast, in 2016, there were almost 50 million global downloads of the encrypted messaging app Telegram. On Twitter, links to PGP keys in the bios of journalists are being replaced by the phone numbers they use for Signal, the encrypted messaging service endorsed by leading security experts around the world. Then there’s Apple’s iMessage, and of course WhatsApp - which, in turning on end-to-end encryption for more than a billion by default has arguably done the most to take encryption to the masses.

“Not only are there improvements to the encryption itself, you don’t have to do anything technical to get set-up, and you don’t really have to be worried in most cases about your data being exfiltrated,” says Boehm.

Green says these apps, with their modern cryptography techniques and seamless user experience, are “the solution” to problems of PGP. “You have all the key management problems hidden from you. They’re managed by the system.”

Of course, there are potential problems with allowing private companies to hold the keys to all of your sensitive conversations. But, these projects are generally less vulnerable than PGP because they are independent, says Green.

“When something goes wrong with WhatsApp, WhatsApp fixes it,” he says. “When something goes wrong in the amorphous PGP community, no one puts their hand up to fix it. Individually people think about the security of their own tool. They don’t think about the whole system.”

Green would like to see a world where we encrypt all of our communications, including email. In 2014, Google launched a project with Yahoo to bring end-to-end encryption to their email services. The two companies account for a significant proportion of the world’s email traffic, and it would have been a big step towards Green’s vision, if Google hadn’t cancelled the project.

This week’s news has demonstrated why PGP is not the answer, but encrypted messengers show the way forward. “It’s not going to get better tomorrow, but you can make encryption the default if you make the services good enough,” says Green. Until then, better head to the App Store.

2018-07-27 16:17:06 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Of course, there are potential problems with allowing private companies to hold the keys to all of your sensitive conversations. But, these projects are generally less vulnerable than PGP because they are independent, says Green.
Paranoid Pete
2018-07-29 23:44:02 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Of course, there are potential problems with allowing private companies to hold the keys to all of your sensitive conversations. But, these projects are generally less vulnerable than PGP because they are independent, says Green.
Yes, that really was a comical statement. I know I can really trust
those companies more than I can trust myself.

I continue to use gpg, and will keep on doing so.

Paranoid Pete
William Unruh
2018-07-27 19:53:00 UTC
On 2018-07-27, Anonymous <***@anonymous.com> wrote:

I see you backup your claims with your own reputation!.
Post by Anonymous
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's security. Ditch encrypted email and use Signal for your messaging instead
When Edward Snowden wanted to contact filmmaker Laura Poitras to blow the whistle on activities at the NSA, his first step was to find out her public PGP key.
PGP stands for ‘Pretty Good Privacy,’ and it has been one of the dominant forms of end-to-end encryption for email communications since the 1990s. Users have a public key and a private key – senders use the former to encrypt messages, which can only be decoded by someone who has access to the latter.
Since Snowden, PGP and open-source equivalent GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) have become increasingly popular forms of encryption for whistleblowers, dissidents, and human rights activists. Journalists place links to their public keys on their Twitter profiles to give would-be sources a safe means of contacting them.
But, on May 14, researchers from Munster University of Applied Sciences released details of what’s been reported as a "serious flaw" in PGP. The exploit, dubbed 'EFail',’ uses a piece of HTML code to trick certain email clients, including Apple Mail, Outlook 2007 and Thunderbird, into revealing encrypted messages.
Except this is a vulnerability in the email client, not in PGP. PGP is a
crypto system. It is used in some email clients. Obviously the email clients
have to be able to decrypt the mail, and if they are buggy they can then leak
the plaintext.
Post by Anonymous
Some argue that the vulnerability has been blown out of proportion. “I’m not sure how widely it’s going to be exploited,” says Ross Brewer, of cybersecurity firm LogRhythm. “It’s interesting in theory.” Brewer points out that to use the exploit, hackers would already need to have access to some of your encrypted emails so that they can inject the relevant code. It also only afflicts certain email clients, and turning off HTML rendering for all emails offers an easy fix while they are patched.
Again,see above.
Post by Anonymous
Scrutiny of the vulnerability after it was published also says it was overhyped. Encrypted email provider ProtonMail published a blogpost stating there were "pretty strong caveats" to the research. Nonetheless, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit that promotes free and fair access to technology, has recommended that users stop using PGP for encryption for the time being.
But even before this week’s news, questions have been raised about the usability of PGP. Matthew Green, a cryptographer and professor at John Hopkins University has argued that “it’s time for PGP to die”. It turns out that for the majority of people, Pretty Good Privacy may not be good enough.
‘It’s time for PGP to die’
One of the many problems with PGP is its age, says Green. It was first developed in 1991 (“when we didn’t really know anything about crypto”) and then standardised into OpenPGP from 1997.
The science of cryptography has advanced dramatically since then, but PGP hasn’t, and any new implementations have to remain compatible with the features of previous tools, which can leave them vulnerable to similar exploits.
There are other faults, including the difficulty of accessing encrypted emails across multiple devices, and the issue of forward secrecy, which means that a breach potentially opens up all your past communication (unless you change your keys regularly). It’s rumoured that the NSA stockpiles encrypted messages in the hope of gaining access to the keys at a later date.
But the biggest problem with PGP is how difficult it is for people to use simply. "It’s a real pain," says Green. "There’s key management – you have to use it in your existing email client, and then you have to download keys, and then there’s this whole third issue of making sure they’re the right keys."
This criticism has plagued PGP for most of its existence. A technical research paper by Alma Whitten and JD Tygar called Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt: a Usability Evaluation of PGP 5.0 drew attention to the problem as early as 1999.
To encrypt an email manually using PGP requires a decent level of technical knowledge, and adds several steps to the process of sending each message, to the extent that even Phil Zimmerman, the creator of PGP, no longer uses it.
“All of these things have been really hard for non-experts, and even for experts,” says Green. Even Edward Snowden has screwed it up. When he first reached out anonymously to a friend of Poitras, Micah Lee, to ask him for her public PGP key, he forgot to attach his own public key, meaning that Hill had no secure way to respond to him.
I suppose if he did not want anyone knowing that Lee had sent his public key,
it needed to be encrypted. But Lee could have posted it on his web page for
anyone in the world to read. There is No need for the public key to be
Post by Anonymous
Many of the issues around PGP are aligned with email being a dated form of communication. To make PGP easier to use, end users can install plug-ins for their email clients, or use browser-based solutions to encrypt and decode their messages, but this is where vulnerabilities can creep in.
Yes, and that has nothing to do with PGP.
Post by Anonymous
In the case of EFail, the issue is not with the PGP protocol itself, but with the way it has been implemented, says Josh Boehm, founder and CEO of encrypted communications service cyph.com, which offers private voice and video chat in a web browser.
Finally, after a huge misleading diatribe, you get to the point.
Post by Anonymous
“There’s no standard way of implementing it, so a number of people have just done it wrong,” he says. “That then becomes the weakest link in the chain. It doesn’t matter how strong the chain of PGP is, if they can get you to unlock it and send that information to them it’s essentially worthless.”
This is true for all encryption. If you take this as the standard, then all
encryption is dead.
Post by Anonymous
The rise of encrypted messengers
We could all benefit from end-to-end encryption of our emails, but because it’s so difficult to use, PGP has largely remained the reserve of tech-savvy whistle-blowers and cryptography experts. Green says a recent search puts the number of non-expired public PGP keys at around 50,000. “That’s the total usage of PGP,” he says. “The vast majority of people don’t use it.”
By contrast, in 2016, there were almost 50 million global downloads of the encrypted messaging app Telegram. On Twitter, links to PGP keys in the bios of journalists are being replaced by the phone numbers they use for Signal, the encrypted messaging service endorsed by leading security experts around the world. Then there’s Apple’s iMessage, and of course WhatsApp - which, in turning on end-to-end encryption for more than a billion by default has arguably done the most to take encryption to the masses.
“Not only are there improvements to the encryption itself, you don’t have to do anything technical to get set-up, and you don’t really have to be worried in most cases about your data being exfiltrated,” says Boehm.
Green says these apps, with their modern cryptography techniques and seamless user experience, are “the solution” to problems of PGP. “You have all the key management problems hidden from you. They’re managed by the system.”
Of course, there are potential problems with allowing private companies to hold the keys to all of your sensitive conversations. But, these projects are generally less vulnerable than PGP because they are independent, says Green.
Complete horseshit. Lets say those companies send NSA a list of all their keys
everynight. How secure is it? Or the local Mafia has made them an offer they
could not refuse. Sheesh. This is the way forward.
Post by Anonymous
“When something goes wrong with WhatsApp, WhatsApp fixes it,” he says. “When something goes wrong in the amorphous PGP community, no one puts their hand up to fix it. Individually people think about the security of their own tool. They don’t think about the whole system.”
Green would like to see a world where we encrypt all of our communications, including email. In 2014, Google launched a project with Yahoo to bring end-to-end encryption to their email services. The two companies account for a significant proportion of the world’s email traffic, and it would have been a big step towards Green’s vision, if Google hadn’t cancelled the project.
This week’s news has demonstrated why PGP is not the answer, but encrypted messengers show the way forward. “It’s not going to get better tomorrow, but you can make encryption the default if you make the services good enough,” says Green. Until then, better head to the App Store.
2018-07-28 05:43:43 UTC
On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 18:13:07 +0200 (CEST)
Post by Anonymous
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's security.
Ditch encrypted email and use Signal for your messaging instead
When Edward Snowden wanted to contact filmmaker Laura Poitras to blow
the whistle on activities at the NSA, his first step was to find out
her public PGP key.
PGP stands for ‘Pretty Good Privacy,’ and it has been one of the
dominant forms of end-to-end encryption for email communications
since the 1990s. Users have a public key and a private key – senders
use the former to encrypt messages, which can only be decoded by
someone who has access to the latter.
Since Snowden, PGP and open-source equivalent GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)
have become increasingly popular forms of encryption for
whistleblowers, dissidents, and human rights activists. Journalists
place links to their public keys on their Twitter profiles to give
would-be sources a safe means of contacting them.
But, on May 14, researchers from Munster University of Applied
Sciences released details of what’s been reported as a "serious flaw"
in PGP. The exploit, dubbed 'EFail',’ uses a piece of HTML code to
trick certain email clients, including Apple Mail, Outlook 2007 and
Thunderbird, into revealing encrypted messages.
Some argue that the vulnerability has been blown out of proportion.
“I’m not sure how widely it’s going to be exploited,” says Ross
Brewer, of cybersecurity firm LogRhythm. “It’s interesting in
theory.” Brewer points out that to use the exploit, hackers would
already need to have access to some of your encrypted emails so that
they can inject the relevant code. It also only afflicts certain
email clients, and turning off HTML rendering for all emails offers
an easy fix while they are patched.
Scrutiny of the vulnerability after it was published also says it was
overhyped. Encrypted email provider ProtonMail published a blogpost
stating there were "pretty strong caveats" to the research.
Nonetheless, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit that
promotes free and fair access to technology, has recommended that
users stop using PGP for encryption for the time being.
But even before this week’s news, questions have been raised about
the usability of PGP. Matthew Green, a cryptographer and professor at
John Hopkins University has argued that “it’s time for PGP to die”.
It turns out that for the majority of people, Pretty Good Privacy may
not be good enough.
‘It’s time for PGP to die’
One of the many problems with PGP is its age, says Green. It was
first developed in 1991 (“when we didn’t really know anything about
crypto”) and then standardised into OpenPGP from 1997.
The science of cryptography has advanced dramatically since then, but
PGP hasn’t, and any new implementations have to remain compatible
with the features of previous tools, which can leave them vulnerable
to similar exploits.
There are other faults, including the difficulty of accessing
encrypted emails across multiple devices, and the issue of forward
secrecy, which means that a breach potentially opens up all your past
communication (unless you change your keys regularly). It’s rumoured
that the NSA stockpiles encrypted messages in the hope of gaining
access to the keys at a later date.
But the biggest problem with PGP is how difficult it is for people to
use simply. "It’s a real pain," says Green. "There’s key management –
you have to use it in your existing email client, and then you have
to download keys, and then there’s this whole third issue of making
sure they’re the right keys."
This criticism has plagued PGP for most of its existence. A technical
research paper by Alma Whitten and JD Tygar called Why Johnny Can’t
Encrypt: a Usability Evaluation of PGP 5.0 drew attention to the
problem as early as 1999.
To encrypt an email manually using PGP requires a decent level of
technical knowledge, and adds several steps to the process of sending
each message, to the extent that even Phil Zimmerman, the creator of
PGP, no longer uses it.
“All of these things have been really hard for non-experts, and even
for experts,” says Green. Even Edward Snowden has screwed it up. When
he first reached out anonymously to a friend of Poitras, Micah Lee,
to ask him for her public PGP key, he forgot to attach his own public
key, meaning that Hill had no secure way to respond to him.
Many of the issues around PGP are aligned with email being a dated
form of communication. To make PGP easier to use, end users can
install plug-ins for their email clients, or use browser-based
solutions to encrypt and decode their messages, but this is where
vulnerabilities can creep in.
In the case of EFail, the issue is not with the PGP protocol itself,
but with the way it has been implemented, says Josh Boehm, founder
and CEO of encrypted communications service cyph.com, which offers
private voice and video chat in a web browser.
“There’s no standard way of implementing it, so a number of people
have just done it wrong,” he says. “That then becomes the weakest
link in the chain. It doesn’t matter how strong the chain of PGP is,
if they can get you to unlock it and send that information to them
it’s essentially worthless.”
The rise of encrypted messengers
We could all benefit from end-to-end encryption of our emails, but
because it’s so difficult to use, PGP has largely remained the
reserve of tech-savvy whistle-blowers and cryptography experts. Green
says a recent search puts the number of non-expired public PGP keys
at around 50,000. “That’s the total usage of PGP,” he says. “The vast
majority of people don’t use it.”
By contrast, in 2016, there were almost 50 million global downloads
of the encrypted messaging app Telegram. On Twitter, links to PGP
keys in the bios of journalists are being replaced by the phone
numbers they use for Signal, the encrypted messaging service endorsed
by leading security experts around the world. Then there’s Apple’s
iMessage, and of course WhatsApp - which, in turning on end-to-end
encryption for more than a billion by default has arguably done the
most to take encryption to the masses.
“Not only are there improvements to the encryption itself, you don’t
have to do anything technical to get set-up, and you don’t really
have to be worried in most cases about your data being exfiltrated,”
says Boehm.
Green says these apps, with their modern cryptography techniques and
seamless user experience, are “the solution” to problems of PGP. “You
have all the key management problems hidden from you. They’re managed
by the system.”
Of course, there are potential problems with allowing private
companies to hold the keys to all of your sensitive conversations.
But, these projects are generally less vulnerable than PGP because
they are independent, says Green.
“When something goes wrong with WhatsApp, WhatsApp fixes it,” he
says. “When something goes wrong in the amorphous PGP community, no
one puts their hand up to fix it. Individually people think about the
security of their own tool. They don’t think about the whole system.”
Green would like to see a world where we encrypt all of our
communications, including email. In 2014, Google launched a project
with Yahoo to bring end-to-end encryption to their email services.
The two companies account for a significant proportion of the world’s
email traffic, and it would have been a big step towards Green’s
vision, if Google hadn’t cancelled the project.
This week’s news has demonstrated why PGP is not the answer, but
encrypted messengers show the way forward. “It’s not going to get
better tomorrow, but you can make encryption the default if you make
the services good enough,” says Green. Until then, better head to the
App Store.
Shut the fuck up. There is nothing wrong with pgp. The problem was
caused by email clients acting like web browsers and executing code in
emails instead of just plaintext. Again, with the email client itself
not a vulnerability within pgp. Who are you to call anything? stop
shilling for Signal and other walled gardens.
2018-07-28 17:44:06 UTC
Post by a***@ymous.com
On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 18:13:07 +0200 (CEST)
Post by Anonymous
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's
security. Ditch encrypted email and use Signal for your messaging
When Edward Snowden wanted to contact filmmaker Laura Poitras to
blow the whistle on activities at the NSA, his first step was to
find out her public PGP key.
PGP stands for ‘Pretty Good Privacy,’ and it has been one of the
dominant forms of end-to-end encryption for email communications
since the 1990s. Users have a public key and a private key – senders
use the former to encrypt messages, which can only be decoded by
someone who has access to the latter.
Since Snowden, PGP and open-source equivalent GPG (GNU Privacy
Guard) have become increasingly popular forms of encryption for
whistleblowers, dissidents, and human rights activists. Journalists
place links to their public keys on their Twitter profiles to give
would-be sources a safe means of contacting them.
But, on May 14, researchers from Munster University of Applied
Sciences released details of what’s been reported as a "serious
flaw" in PGP. The exploit, dubbed 'EFail',’ uses a piece of HTML
code to trick certain email clients, including Apple Mail, Outlook
2007 and Thunderbird, into revealing encrypted messages.
Some argue that the vulnerability has been blown out of proportion.
“I’m not sure how widely it’s going to be exploited,” says Ross
Brewer, of cybersecurity firm LogRhythm. “It’s interesting in
theory.” Brewer points out that to use the exploit, hackers would
already need to have access to some of your encrypted emails so that
they can inject the relevant code. It also only afflicts certain
email clients, and turning off HTML rendering for all emails offers
an easy fix while they are patched.
Scrutiny of the vulnerability after it was published also says it
was overhyped. Encrypted email provider ProtonMail published a
blogpost stating there were "pretty strong caveats" to the research.
Nonetheless, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit that
promotes free and fair access to technology, has recommended that
users stop using PGP for encryption for the time being.
But even before this week’s news, questions have been raised about
the usability of PGP. Matthew Green, a cryptographer and professor
at John Hopkins University has argued that “it’s time for PGP to
die”. It turns out that for the majority of people, Pretty Good
Privacy may not be good enough.
‘It’s time for PGP to die’
One of the many problems with PGP is its age, says Green. It was
first developed in 1991 (“when we didn’t really know anything about
crypto”) and then standardised into OpenPGP from 1997.
The science of cryptography has advanced dramatically since then,
but PGP hasn’t, and any new implementations have to remain
compatible with the features of previous tools, which can leave them
vulnerable to similar exploits.
There are other faults, including the difficulty of accessing
encrypted emails across multiple devices, and the issue of forward
secrecy, which means that a breach potentially opens up all your
past communication (unless you change your keys regularly). It’s
rumoured that the NSA stockpiles encrypted messages in the hope of
gaining access to the keys at a later date.
But the biggest problem with PGP is how difficult it is for people
to use simply. "It’s a real pain," says Green. "There’s key
management – you have to use it in your existing email client, and
then you have to download keys, and then there’s this whole third
issue of making sure they’re the right keys."
This criticism has plagued PGP for most of its existence. A
technical research paper by Alma Whitten and JD Tygar called Why
Johnny Can’t Encrypt: a Usability Evaluation of PGP 5.0 drew
attention to the problem as early as 1999.
To encrypt an email manually using PGP requires a decent level of
technical knowledge, and adds several steps to the process of
sending each message, to the extent that even Phil Zimmerman, the
creator of PGP, no longer uses it.
“All of these things have been really hard for non-experts, and even
for experts,” says Green. Even Edward Snowden has screwed it up.
When he first reached out anonymously to a friend of Poitras, Micah
Lee, to ask him for her public PGP key, he forgot to attach his own
public key, meaning that Hill had no secure way to respond to him.
Many of the issues around PGP are aligned with email being a dated
form of communication. To make PGP easier to use, end users can
install plug-ins for their email clients, or use browser-based
solutions to encrypt and decode their messages, but this is where
vulnerabilities can creep in.
In the case of EFail, the issue is not with the PGP protocol itself,
but with the way it has been implemented, says Josh Boehm, founder
and CEO of encrypted communications service cyph.com, which offers
private voice and video chat in a web browser.
“There’s no standard way of implementing it, so a number of people
have just done it wrong,” he says. “That then becomes the weakest
link in the chain. It doesn’t matter how strong the chain of PGP is,
if they can get you to unlock it and send that information to them
it’s essentially worthless.”
The rise of encrypted messengers
We could all benefit from end-to-end encryption of our emails, but
because it’s so difficult to use, PGP has largely remained the
reserve of tech-savvy whistle-blowers and cryptography experts.
Green says a recent search puts the number of non-expired public PGP
keys at around 50,000. “That’s the total usage of PGP,” he says.
“The vast majority of people don’t use it.”
By contrast, in 2016, there were almost 50 million global downloads
of the encrypted messaging app Telegram. On Twitter, links to PGP
keys in the bios of journalists are being replaced by the phone
numbers they use for Signal, the encrypted messaging service
endorsed by leading security experts around the world. Then there’s
Apple’s iMessage, and of course WhatsApp - which, in turning on
end-to-end encryption for more than a billion by default has
arguably done the most to take encryption to the masses.
“Not only are there improvements to the encryption itself, you don’t
have to do anything technical to get set-up, and you don’t really
have to be worried in most cases about your data being exfiltrated,”
says Boehm.
Green says these apps, with their modern cryptography techniques and
seamless user experience, are “the solution” to problems of PGP.
“You have all the key management problems hidden from you. They’re
managed by the system.”
Of course, there are potential problems with allowing private
companies to hold the keys to all of your sensitive conversations.
But, these projects are generally less vulnerable than PGP because
they are independent, says Green.
“When something goes wrong with WhatsApp, WhatsApp fixes it,” he
says. “When something goes wrong in the amorphous PGP community, no
one puts their hand up to fix it. Individually people think about
the security of their own tool. They don’t think about the whole
Green would like to see a world where we encrypt all of our
communications, including email. In 2014, Google launched a project
with Yahoo to bring end-to-end encryption to their email services.
The two companies account for a significant proportion of the
world’s email traffic, and it would have been a big step towards
Green’s vision, if Google hadn’t cancelled the project.
This week’s news has demonstrated why PGP is not the answer, but
encrypted messengers show the way forward. “It’s not going to get
better tomorrow, but you can make encryption the default if you make
the services good enough,” says Green. Until then, better head to
the App Store.
Shut the fuck up. There is nothing wrong with pgp. The problem was
caused by email clients acting like web browsers and executing code
in emails instead of just plaintext. Again, with the email client
itself not a vulnerability within pgp. Who are you to call anything?
stop shilling for Signal and other walled gardens.
who in the hell are you to tell anyone to shut the f up, you little
2018-07-29 12:30:50 UTC
Post by Anonymous
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's security.

The only FAIL is that idiots, you included, have no fucking idea what you're
talking about. Why are you spreading FUD?

Moron, may I call you Moron? What those assholes sold and what you bought,
Moron, is a social engineering attack against encrypted email. The end
result is that fellow Morons will stop using the only secure email tool.

Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.

If you're dumb enough to use anything but plain text email, and dumb enough
to use shitty broken email clients, that's your problem. But it has nothing
to do with any weakness in PGP nor GPG.

Have a nice day, Moron!
Post by Anonymous
Motherfucking idiots.
2018-07-29 23:00:21 UTC
Post by invalid
Post by Anonymous
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's security.
The only FAIL is that idiots, you included, have no fucking idea what you're
talking about. Why are you spreading FUD?
Moron, may I call you Moron? What those assholes sold and what you bought,
Moron, is a social engineering attack against encrypted email. The end
result is that fellow Morons will stop using the only secure email tool.
Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.
If you're dumb enough to use anything but plain text email, and dumb enough
to use shitty broken email clients, that's your problem. But it has nothing
to do with any weakness in PGP nor GPG.
Have a nice day, Moron!
Post by Anonymous
Motherfucking idiots.
+5 :o)
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛
2018-07-30 05:57:54 UTC
On Sun, 29 Jul 2018 12:30:50 +0000 (UTC), LO AND BEHOLD; "invalid
<***@is.invalid>" determined that the following was of great
importance and subsequently decided to freely share it with us in
Post by invalid
Post by Anonymous
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's security.
The only FAIL is that idiots, you included, have no fucking idea what
you're talking about. Why are you spreading FUD?
Moron, may I call you Moron? What those assholes sold and what you
bought, Moron, is a social engineering attack against encrypted email.
The end result is that fellow Morons will stop using the only secure
email tool.
Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.
If you're dumb enough to use anything but plain text email, and dumb
enough to use shitty broken email clients, that's your problem. But it
has nothing to do with any weakness in PGP nor GPG.
Have a nice day, Moron!
Post by Anonymous
Motherfucking idiots.
at least they are all racists and think that obama wasn't born in hawaii...

"Thanks to muzzies and their apologist-enablers like puppy whistle, this
seems to be the new norm in the world. It's spreading like a cancer,
and it's time we admit we're at war with pure evil. We need to put an
end to this muzzie plague, or life on Earth is going to become pure hell
everywhere. We need to get these people out of every civilized
country, and there's only one way to do it. IOW, we have to become
like them, with an emphasis on expediency over cruelty." - Checkmate (of alt.checkmate)

"Pussy Willow has just proven that Trump's crackdown on previously
unenforced immigration policies is working. We'll deal with the domestic
terrorists as needed, but we don't need to be letting the muzzie
terrorists get a foothold in our country too. One need only look at what
they're doing in Europe right now to know we're doing the right thing by
keeping them out, which is our right and our duty. - Checkmate (#1 pussy willow fan)


"You just made puppy whistle's sig line longer." - Janithor


"If I have a complaint about the (Southern Poverty) Law Center's description (of the alt-right movement), it is the phrase "heavy use of social media," which implies the alt-right is a real-world movement which uses a lot of social media. This is backwards: it is an online movement which occasionally appears in the real world. Where it gets punched." - Jason Rhode


"I think we should destroy every last fucking mosque in America." - "Checkmate, DoW #1" <***@The.Edge> proves for us that white males are violent in Message-ID: <***@news.altopia.com>


Golden Killfile, June 2005
KOTM, November 2006
Bob Allisat Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, September 2007
Tony Sidaway Memorial "Drama Queen" Award, November 2006
Busted Urinal Award, April 2007
Order of the Holey Sockpuppet, September 2007
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, September 2006
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, April 2008
Tinfoil Sombrero, February 2007
AUK Mascot, September 2007
Putting the Awards Out of Order to Screw With the OCD Fuckheads, March 2016
Nomen Nescio
2018-07-30 10:59:13 UTC
Post by invalid
Post by Anonymous
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's security.
The only FAIL is that idiots, you included, have no fucking idea what you're
talking about. Why are you spreading FUD?
Moron, may I call you Moron? What those assholes sold and what you bought,
Moron, is a social engineering attack against encrypted email. The end
result is that fellow Morons will stop using the only secure email tool.
Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.
That's the point. When used correctly, which cannot be
Post by invalid
If you're dumb enough to use anything but plain text email, and dumb enough
to use shitty broken email clients, that's your problem. But it has nothing
to do with any weakness in PGP nor GPG.
Have a nice day, Moron!
Post by Anonymous
Motherfucking idiots.
Did you like fucking your mommy?
Nomen Nescio
2018-07-30 14:21:43 UTC
Post by invalid
Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.
That's the point. When used correctly, which cannot be=20
So to do yourself and us a favour you'd better avoid any communication.
Nomen Nescio
2018-07-31 00:14:37 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
Post by invalid
Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.
That's the point. When used correctly, which cannot be=20
So to do yourself and us a favour you'd better avoid any communication.
And conversely.
2018-07-31 15:05:13 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
Post by Nomen Nescio
Post by invalid
Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.
That's the point. When used correctly, which cannot be=20
So to do yourself and us a favour you'd better avoid any
And conversely.
Say it like the Kingfish on Amos and Andy use to say it: "Uh
2018-07-31 20:25:25 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
Post by invalid
Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.
That's the point. When used correctly, which cannot be=20
So to do yourself and us a favour you'd better avoid any communication.
Hear, hear :)

2018-07-31 20:25:05 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
Post by invalid
Post by Anonymous
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's security.
The only FAIL is that idiots, you included, have no fucking idea what you're
talking about. Why are you spreading FUD?
Moron, may I call you Moron? What those assholes sold and what you bought,
Moron, is a social engineering attack against encrypted email. The end
result is that fellow Morons will stop using the only secure email tool.
Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.
That's the point. When used correctly, which cannot be
So what? Eat shit and live.
Post by Nomen Nescio
Post by invalid
Post by Anonymous
Motherfucking idiots.
Did you like fucking your mommy?
I'll let you know when I'm done fucking your dad, Moron.
2018-07-30 14:03:33 UTC
Post by invalid
Post by Anonymous
The EFail vulnerability threatened to punch a hole in PGP's
The only FAIL is that idiots, you included, have no fucking idea what
you're talking about. Why are you spreading FUD?
Moron, may I call you Moron? What those assholes sold and what you
bought, Moron, is a social engineering attack against encrypted
email. The end result is that fellow Morons will stop using the only
secure email tool.
Nothing is wrong with PGP or GPG when used correctly.
If you're dumb enough to use anything but plain text email, and dumb
enough to use shitty broken email clients, that's your problem. But
it has nothing to do with any weakness in PGP nor GPG.
Have a nice day, Moron!
Post by Anonymous
Motherfucking idiots.
must be a nigger. mf is their favorite word. or possibly he went
through nigger infested schools and picked up the language. i heard a
liberal teacher once say (before niggers were forced into white
schools) that that black stuff won't rub off on you. how wrong he was.
2018-07-29 20:42:08 UTC
Post by William Unruh
I see you backup your claims with your own reputation!.
I didn't make any claims. I just reposted news article, and I
actually completely disagree with whatever they wrote in it.

I reposted it because I was very impressed with unprofessionalism
of Wired authors.
William Unruh
2018-07-29 21:54:37 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by William Unruh
I see you backup your claims with your own reputation!.
I didn't make any claims. I just reposted news article, and I
actually completely disagree with whatever they wrote in it.
I reposted it because I was very impressed with unprofessionalism
of Wired authors.
WEll, you could have said that. Having posted it, one can only assume you
agree with it.
2018-07-29 23:14:21 UTC
On Sun, 29 Jul 2018 22:42:08 +0200 (CEST), "Anonymous"
Post by Anonymous
Post by William Unruh
I see you backup your claims with your own reputation!.
I didn't make any claims. I just reposted news article, and I
actually completely disagree with whatever they wrote in it.
I reposted it because I was very impressed with unprofessionalism
of Wired authors.
Read this:
PGP encryption isn’t dead, despite the panic over EFAIL


A piece of the article.

"The EFAIL vulnerability isn’t a problem with the PGP protocol itself;
instead it concerns the systems that automate the decryption process
for users.

University of Münster researchers found the plaintext of the encrypted
emails was vulnerable to attackers when combined with HTML content in
an email. The plaintext could be siphoned out through hyperlinks
connected to the internet and exfiltrated, or transferred without the
owner’s permission."

2018-07-29 23:22:21 UTC
Post by s***@afdlwe.com
On Sun, 29 Jul 2018 22:42:08 +0200 (CEST), "Anonymous"
Post by Anonymous
Post by William Unruh
I see you backup your claims with your own reputation!.
I didn't make any claims. I just reposted news article, and I
actually completely disagree with whatever they wrote in it.
I reposted it because I was very impressed with unprofessionalism
of Wired authors.
PGP encryption isn’t dead, despite the panic over EFAIL
A piece of the article.
"The EFAIL vulnerability isn’t a problem with the PGP protocol itself;
instead it concerns the systems that automate the decryption process
for users.
University of Münster researchers found the plaintext of the encrypted
emails was vulnerable to attackers when combined with HTML content in
an email. The plaintext could be siphoned out through hyperlinks
connected to the internet and exfiltrated, or transferred without the
owner’s permission."
Some might find the following a bit interesting.


Bruce Schneier
Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Harvard University

Kathleen Seidel
Independent Researcher

Saranya Vijayakumar
Harvard College