any online solution to check digital signatures?
(too old to reply)
2009-09-04 20:22:36 UTC
I was wondering if there are any websites where you can verify digital
signatures, similar to how
there are websites like virustotal.com where you can perform an online
scan of a suspicious file.
Does anyone know of something along those lines?

Kind regards and thanks in advance, Niek
David E. Ross
2009-09-04 23:14:32 UTC
Post by sobriquet
I was wondering if there are any websites where you can verify digital
signatures, similar to how
there are websites like virustotal.com where you can perform an online
scan of a suspicious file.
Does anyone know of something along those lines?
Kind regards and thanks in advance, Niek
You can easily verify that the signed file or message has not been
altered using any OpenPGP application (e.g., PGP, GPG). This is called
verifying itegrity.

The only way you can verify that the person who claims to have signed
the file or message is really who he or she claims is through the Web of
Trust. This is called verifying authenticity.

For authenticity, either (1) you have met that person face-to-face, have
seen proof of that person's identity (e.g., a passport with photo), and
that person has confirmed the fingerprint, size, and type (i.e., RSA
v.3, RSA v4., or DH/DSS) of the public key you are using to check the
signature, or else (2) you trust someone else who has done that, you
have done that with the someone else, and the someone else has digitally
signed the original signer's public key. Generally, if you rely on
someone else, you really should rely on two someones else to have done
the same thing for the same original signer.
David E. Ross

Don't ask "Why is there road rage?" Instead, ask
"Why NOT Road Rage?" or "Why Is There No Such
Thing as Fast Enough?"
2009-09-05 00:03:59 UTC
Post by David E. Ross
Post by sobriquet
I was wondering if there are any websites where you can verify digital
signatures, similar to how
there are websites like virustotal.com where you can perform an online
scan of a suspicious file.
Does anyone know of something along those lines?
Kind regards and thanks in advance, Niek
You can easily verify that the signed file or message has not been
altered using any OpenPGP application (e.g., PGP, GPG).  This is called
verifying itegrity.
I thought it was easy and I tried it with gpg4win... but that software
(gpa/kleopatra) tends
to crash a lot on my vista system (maybe because it .

So I tried to authenticate the digital signature from a simple usenet
message via the dosprompt (as
can be seen in this screenshot):
Loading Image...

The message is in Dutch, but it can be found here via

I've viewed the original message via the groups.google usenet
interface (ensuring the email address is visible), selected, copied
and pasted the complete text in wordpad, saved it as a .txt file and
attempted to authenticate the message. I've succeeded to look up the
public key from the poster from the key server, but somehow
authentication fails for an unknown reason.
Post by David E. Ross
The only way you can verify that the person who claims to have signed
the file or message is really who he or she claims is through the Web of
Trust.  This is called verifying authenticity.
For authenticity, either (1) you have met that person face-to-face, have
seen proof of that person's identity (e.g., a passport with photo), and
that person has confirmed the fingerprint, size, and type (i.e., RSA
v.3, RSA v4., or DH/DSS) of the public key you are using to check the
signature, or else (2) you trust someone else who has done that, you
have done that with the someone else, and the someone else has digitally
signed the original signer's public key.  Generally, if you rely on
someone else, you really should rely on two someones else to have done
the same thing for the same original signer.
I've (partially) read and think I grasped the basic concepts from the
guide to using gpg4win:

At first sight the program looked very promissing, but it crashes
extremely frequently (compared
to most other programs I'm using).
Post by David E. Ross
David E. Ross
Don't ask "Why is there road rage?"  Instead, ask
"Why NOT Road Rage?" or "Why Is There No Such
Thing as Fast Enough?"
2009-09-05 00:06:26 UTC
Post by sobriquet
I thought it was easy and I tried it with gpg4win... but that software
(gpa/kleopatra) tends
to crash a lot on my vista system (maybe because it .
.. (maybe because it's a 64 bit system).
David E. Ross
2009-09-05 02:57:03 UTC
Post by sobriquet
Post by David E. Ross
Post by sobriquet
I was wondering if there are any websites where you can verify digital
signatures, similar to how
there are websites like virustotal.com where you can perform an online
scan of a suspicious file.
Does anyone know of something along those lines?
Kind regards and thanks in advance, Niek
You can easily verify that the signed file or message has not been
altered using any OpenPGP application (e.g., PGP, GPG). This is called
verifying itegrity.
I thought it was easy and I tried it with gpg4win... but that software
(gpa/kleopatra) tends
to crash a lot on my vista system (maybe because it .
So I tried to authenticate the digital signature from a simple usenet
message via the dosprompt (as
The message is in Dutch, but it can be found here via
I've viewed the original message via the groups.google usenet
interface (ensuring the email address is visible), selected, copied
and pasted the complete text in wordpad, saved it as a .txt file and
attempted to authenticate the message. I've succeeded to look up the
public key from the poster from the key server, but somehow
authentication fails for an unknown reason.
Post by David E. Ross
The only way you can verify that the person who claims to have signed
the file or message is really who he or she claims is through the Web of
Trust. This is called verifying authenticity.
For authenticity, either (1) you have met that person face-to-face, have
seen proof of that person's identity (e.g., a passport with photo), and
that person has confirmed the fingerprint, size, and type (i.e., RSA
v.3, RSA v4., or DH/DSS) of the public key you are using to check the
signature, or else (2) you trust someone else who has done that, you
have done that with the someone else, and the someone else has digitally
signed the original signer's public key. Generally, if you rely on
someone else, you really should rely on two someones else to have done
the same thing for the same original signer.
I've (partially) read and think I grasped the basic concepts from the
At first sight the program looked very promissing, but it crashes
extremely frequently (compared
to most other programs I'm using).
Verification fails because the message was altered after it was signed.
I can readily thought of two possible alterations.

It was possible that line-wrapping was done after the message was
signed, either by the sending application (Forte Agent) or by Google
Groups (Google discussiegroepen). This is a frequent cause of
verification failure with E-mail and newsgroup messages. It is very
important to set the line-length for wrapping in the OpenPGP application
to fewer characters than might be used by the sending application.

It was also possible that non-visible characters were altered in
rendering the message in a Web page. I spent quite some time several
years ago trying to develop a method for signing the content of Web
pages. It just does not work! In my experimenting, I found that the
major problem was with the end-of-line (EOL) or line-break. In Windows,
this is a carriage-return and line-feed (CR/LF). In UNIX, this is
merely a LF. On top of that, some applications do not follow the EOL
convention used by the operating system.

For your particular message, however, a third situation is the cause.
Visible characters have been altered in a way not visible to the user.
Where we see > and >> for quoting prior messages, this message actually
has &gt; and &gt;&gt;, which can be seen in the Web source. The
original likely had > and >>; but Google altered those to conform with
the requirements of HTML, where > has a special meaning. This
alteration is sufficient to invalidate the OpenPGP signature.

This last situation vividly illustrates why a real newsreader
application should be used instead of Google.
David E. Ross

Don't ask "Why is there road rage?" Instead, ask
"Why NOT Road Rage?" or "Why Is There No Such
Thing as Fast Enough?"
2009-09-05 05:17:30 UTC
Post by David E. Ross
Verification fails because the message
was altered after it was signed.
$ nntpx -s nntp.aioe.org -c "article <***@www.bozweb.net>" | gpg --verify
gpg: invalid armor header: ID 0x51F5C780\r\n

$ nntpx -s nntp.aioe.org -c "article <***@m27.itconsult.net>" | gpg --verify
gpg: Signature made 08/29/09 22:05:10 using RSA key ID 70B61F81
gpg: WARNING: digest algorithm MD5 is deprecated
gpg: please see http://www.gnupg.org/faq/weak-digest-algos.html for more information
gpg: Good signature from "Timestamp Service <***@itconsult.co.uk>" [uncertain]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 4B 12 BC D5 78 85 11 06 3B 54 31 90 E0 9D F3 06

OpenPGP: id=740405FCD57FDDC1; preference=signencrypt;
2009-09-05 06:28:41 UTC
Post by Guy
Post by David E. Ross
Verification fails because the message
was altered after it was signed.
gpg: invalid armor header: ID 0x51F5C780\r\n
gpg: Signature made 08/29/09 22:05:10 using RSA key ID 70B61F81
gpg: WARNING: digest algorithm MD5 is deprecated
gpg: please seehttp://www.gnupg.org/faq/weak-digest-algos.htmlfor more information
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 4B 12 BC D5 78 85 11 06  3B 54 31 90 E0 9D F3 06
OpenPGP: id=740405FCD57FDDC1; preference=signencrypt;

Somehow I can't retrieve the key with ID 0x70B61F81 in GPA
I can find it on the server, but somehow it will not let me import it
(not even at the command prompt with 'gpg --recv-key 0x70B61F81').
Hence I can't test if I can authenticate that message.
2009-09-05 06:54:16 UTC
Post by dohduhdah
Post by Guy
Post by David E. Ross
Verification fails because the message was altered
after it was signed.
gpg: invalid armor header: ID 0x51F5C780\r\n
gpg: Signature made 08/29/09 22:05:10 using RSA key ID 70B61F81
gpg: WARNING: digest algorithm MD5 is deprecated
gpg: please see http://www.gnupg.org/faq/weak-digest-algos.html for more information
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 4B 12 BC D5 78 85 11 06 3B 54 31 90 E0 9D F3 06
The message can not be verified from content available via Google.
(see below)

Above "invalid armor header" message shows "BAD signature" after
removal of the "invalid armor header".
Post by dohduhdah
Somehow I can't retrieve the key with ID 0x70B61F81 in GPA
I can find it on the server, but somehow it will not let me import
it (not even at the command prompt with 'gpg --recv-key
0x70B61F81'). Hence I can't test if I can authenticate that
Don't use GPA. What does "gpg --recv-key" show?

$ gpg --recv-key 0x70B61F81
gpg: requesting key 70B61F81 from hkp server pgp.mit.edu
gpg: key 70B61F81: accepted non self-signed user ID "Timestamp Service <***@itconsult.co.uk>"
gpg: key 70B61F81: "Timestamp Service <***@itconsult.co.uk>" 2 new signatures
gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
gpg: depth: 0 valid: 2 signed: 1 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 2u
gpg: depth: 1 valid: 1 signed: 0 trust: 1-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
gpg: next trustdb check due at 2010-01-01
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: new signatures: 2

$ wget -O foo.txt "http://groups.google.com/group/alt.security.pgp/msg/f1b2298cb8c773f1?dmode=source&output=gplain"
--2009-09-05 01:51:15-- http://groups.google.com/group/alt.security.pgp/msg/f1b2298cb8c773f1?dmode=source&output=gplain
Resolving groups.google.com...,,, ...
Connecting to groups.google.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/plain]
Saving to: `foo.txt'

[ <=> ] 6,624 --.-K/s in 0.04s

2009-09-05 01:51:16 (181 KB/s) - `foo.txt' saved [6624]

$ gpg --verify foo.txt
gpg: Signature made 08/29/09 22:05:10 using RSA key ID 70B61F81
gpg: WARNING: digest algorithm MD5 is deprecated
gpg: please see http://www.gnupg.org/faq/weak-digest-algos.html for more information
gpg: BAD signature from "Timestamp Service <***@itconsult.co.uk>" [uncertain]

$ nntpx -s nntp.aioe.org -c "article <***@www.bozweb.net>" | mtr -o+ "ID 0x51F5C780" = \z | gpg --verify
gpg: Signature made 09/03/09 15:14:38 using DSA key ID 51F5C780
gpg: BAD signature from "cmkools <***@bozweb.net>"

OpenPGP: id=740405FCD57FDDC1; preference=signencrypt;
2009-09-05 08:09:42 UTC
Post by Guy
Post by dohduhdah
Post by Guy
Post by David E. Ross
Verification fails because the message was altered
after it was signed.
gpg: invalid armor header: ID 0x51F5C780\r\n
gpg: Signature made 08/29/09 22:05:10 using RSA key ID 70B61F81
gpg: WARNING: digest algorithm MD5 is deprecated
gpg: please seehttp://www.gnupg.org/faq/weak-digest-algos.htmlfor more information
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 4B 12 BC D5 78 85 11 06  3B 54 31 90 E0 9D F3 06
The message can not be verified from content available via Google.
(see below)
Above "invalid armor header" message shows "BAD signature" after
removal of the "invalid armor header".
Post by dohduhdah
Somehow I can't retrieve the key with ID 0x70B61F81 in GPA
I can find it on the server, but somehow it will not let me import
it (not even at the command prompt with 'gpg --recv-key
0x70B61F81'). Hence I can't test if I can authenticate that
Don't use GPA. What does "gpg --recv-key" show?
$ gpg --recv-key 0x70B61F81
gpg: requesting key 70B61F81 from hkp server pgp.mit.edu
gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
gpg: depth: 0  valid:   2  signed:   1  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 2u
gpg: depth: 1  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 1-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
gpg: next trustdb check due at 2010-01-01
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:         new signatures: 2
$ wget -O foo.txt "http://groups.google.com/group/alt.security.pgp/msg/f1b2298cb8c773f1?..."
--2009-09-05 01:51:15--  http://groups.google.com/group/alt.security.pgp/msg/f1b2298cb8c773f1?...
Resolving groups.google.com...,,, ...
Connecting to groups.google.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/plain]
Saving to: `foo.txt'
    [ <=>                                                                     ] 6,624       --.-K/s   in 0.04s
2009-09-05 01:51:16 (181 KB/s) - `foo.txt' saved [6624]
$ gpg --verify foo.txt
gpg: Signature made 08/29/09 22:05:10 using RSA key ID 70B61F81
gpg: WARNING: digest algorithm MD5 is deprecated
gpg: please seehttp://www.gnupg.org/faq/weak-digest-algos.htmlfor more information
gpg: Signature made 09/03/09 15:14:38 using DSA key ID 51F5C780
OpenPGP: id=740405FCD57FDDC1; preference=signencrypt;
            url=http://guysalias.fateback.com/pgpkeys.txt- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -
- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\dohduhdah>gpg --recv-key 0x70B61F81
gpg: requesting key 70B61F81 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
gpg: key 70B61F81: no valid user IDs
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: w/o user IDs: 1

C:\Users\dohduhdah>gpg --verify test-msg2.txt
gpg: Signature made 08/30/09 05:05:10 W. Europe Daylight Time using
RSA key ID 70B61F81
gpg: Can't check signature: No public key

C:\Users\dohduhdah>type test-msg2.txt

# The text of this message was stamped by
# stamper.itconsult.co.uk with reference 0581053
# at 03:05 (GMT) on Sunday 30 August 2009
# For information about the Stamper service see
# http://www.itconsult.co.uk/stamper.htm

This is a weekly posting showing daily summary signatures
made by the PGP timestamping service stamper.itconsult.co.uk
for the week whose dates are shown below.

Stamper provides both digital timestamping and email proof
of posting certificates.

The purpose of this posting is to publish these signatures
in order to add weight to the trustworthiness of the service.

For information about the service (and an explanation of
the details within this posting), send an email message to:-


or see:-


Matthew Richardson

Version: 2.6.3i
Comment: Stamper Id: 0580311 Summary Signature for: 20090823

- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: 2.6.3i
Comment: Stamper Id: 0580427 Summary Signature for: 20090824

- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: 2.6.3i
Comment: Stamper Id: 0580545 Summary Signature for: 20090825

- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: 2.6.3i
Comment: Stamper Id: 0580676 Summary Signature for: 20090826

- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: 2.6.3i
Comment: Stamper Id: 0580778 Summary Signature for: 20090827

- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: 2.6.3i
Comment: Stamper Id: 0580936 Summary Signature for: 20090828

- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: 2.6.3i
Comment: Stamper Id: 0581040 Summary Signature for: 20090829

- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
2009-09-05 09:13:07 UTC
Post by dohduhdah
C:\Users\dohduhdah>gpg --recv-key 0x70B61F81
gpg: requesting key 70B61F81 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
gpg: key 70B61F81: no valid user IDs
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: w/o user IDs: 1
We each employ a different trust-model.

gpg --allow-non-selfsigned-uid --recv-key 0x70B61F81
OpenPGP: id=740405FCD57FDDC1; preference=signencrypt;
2009-09-05 14:58:37 UTC
Post by Guy
Post by dohduhdah
C:\Users\dohduhdah>gpg --recv-key 0x70B61F81
gpg: requesting key 70B61F81 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
gpg: key 70B61F81: no valid user IDs
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:           w/o user IDs: 1
We each employ a different trust-model.
gpg --allow-non-selfsigned-uid --recv-key 0x70B61F81
OpenPGP: id=740405FCD57FDDC1; preference=signencrypt;
Ah thanks.. that did the trick.
Well.. the test-msg2.txt also got verified... so it seems it actually
does work
ok if you select the txt from a msg via groups.google (but you have to
prior to that, that email addresses are unlocked) in 'display
original' mode (where you
see the full headers), select-copy-paste it from groups.google to
wordpad and safe
it as an MS-DOS txt file, then it does seem to work that gpg will
still verify the
original usenet message.

I can also use a newsreader like newsbin or something equivalent and
access newsgroups
via motzarella or an equivalent free newsserver, but I tend to prefer
groups.google, because I frequently search and explore the usenet
archives available via the groups.google interface.
David E. Ross
2009-09-05 15:07:32 UTC
Post by Guy
Post by dohduhdah
C:\Users\dohduhdah>gpg --recv-key 0x70B61F81
gpg: requesting key 70B61F81 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
gpg: key 70B61F81: no valid user IDs
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: w/o user IDs: 1
We each employ a different trust-model.
gpg --allow-non-selfsigned-uid --recv-key 0x70B61F81
The message in question -- per the link to
in the first reply from sobriquet (the original poster in this thread)
-- was signed by a key with the ID 0x51F5C780.
David E. Ross

Don't ask "Why is there road rage?" Instead, ask
"Why NOT Road Rage?" or "Why Is There No Such
Thing as Fast Enough?"
2009-09-05 15:32:03 UTC
Post by David E. Ross
Post by Guy
Post by dohduhdah
C:\Users\dohduhdah>gpg --recv-key 0x70B61F81
gpg: requesting key 70B61F81 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
gpg: key 70B61F81: no valid user IDs
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:           w/o user IDs: 1
We each employ a different trust-model.
gpg --allow-non-selfsigned-uid --recv-key 0x70B61F81
The message in question -- per the link to
in the first reply from sobriquet (the original poster in this thread)
-- was signed by a key with the ID 0x51F5C780.
Yes, but the problem with that message seems to be the error "invalid
armour header".
I've notified the poster of that message (who signed it with the key
with that ID) of this discussion and the fact that it's not just me
(but also Guy for instance) who is unable to authenticate his posting.
I will search for some other examples of signed usenet messages on
groups.google to see if
it works reliably to authenticate them via GPA (or via gpg at the
command prompt if GPA, a graphical userinterface to gpg, doesn't seem
to work), when I use my method to retrieve them from groups.google
(via the original message mode with unlocked email addresses).
GPA does authenticate the test-msg2.txt once the key has been
successfully imported via the command prompt (using the command Guy
Post by David E. Ross
David E. Ross
Don't ask "Why is there road rage?"  Instead, ask
"Why NOT Road Rage?" or "Why Is There No Such
Thing as Fast Enough?"
<http://www.rossde.com/roadrage.html>- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -
- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -
2009-09-05 15:34:18 UTC
Post by David E. Ross
Post by Guy
Post by dohduhdah
C:\Users\dohduhdah>gpg --recv-key 0x70B61F81
gpg: requesting key 70B61F81 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
gpg: key 70B61F81: no valid user IDs
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:           w/o user IDs: 1
We each employ a different trust-model.
gpg --allow-non-selfsigned-uid --recv-key 0x70B61F81
The message in question -- per the link to
in the first reply from sobriquet (the original poster in this thread)
Sorry for the confusion. dohduhdah=sobriquet
(see IP in the header)
I just have two groups.google accounts (linked to two different name
+email combinations)
to circumvent the daily posting limit groups.google imposes.
Post by David E. Ross
-- was signed by a key with the ID 0x51F5C780.
David E. Ross
Don't ask "Why is there road rage?"  Instead, ask
"Why NOT Road Rage?" or "Why Is There No Such
Thing as Fast Enough?"
<http://www.rossde.com/roadrage.html>- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -
- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -
Bob Henson
2009-09-08 16:37:42 UTC
Post by dohduhdah
Somehow I can't retrieve the key with ID 0x70B61F81 in GPA
I can find it on the server, but somehow it will not let me import
it (not even at the command prompt with 'gpg --recv-key
0x70B61F81'). Hence I can't test if I can authenticate that
The key in question has no valid UserID, probably because it's not
self-signed - or So GnuPG/Enigmail tells me. (yes, I've reverted to
Thunderbird at the moment). That, it says, it why it won't let me import
the key.



- --
Remove "x" from address to e-mail
