Encrypt to an ASCII File
(too old to reply)
David E. Ross
2021-06-10 22:07:53 UTC
Windows 7
PGP 10.1.2

How can I encrypt a file as an ASCII for transmission from a Windows PC
to a non-Windows computer?

Also, how can I get a detacted ASCII signature file of a file? I know
how to get an ASCII signature of plain text copied onto my clipboard.
David E. Ross

The Republican Party has abandoned all principles and has
instead become a personality cult worshiping Donald Trump.
David W. Hodgins
2021-06-11 00:29:36 UTC
Post by David E. Ross
Windows 7
PGP 10.1.2
How can I encrypt a file as an ASCII for transmission from a Windows PC
to a non-Windows computer?
Also, how can I get a detacted ASCII signature file of a file? I know
how to get an ASCII signature of plain text copied onto my clipboard.
Found a copy of the manual for it at https://manualzz.com/doc/44068251/pgp-desktop-10.1.2-windows-guide

The string armor is not found in that manual. Searching for ascii leads to
the section "Creating PGP Zip Archives".

In subsection "4 To specify special options, click PGP Zip advanced options" it has
"• To create separate encrypted files rather than one PGP Zip Archive
package that contains all files in a single encrypted file, select Do not
Zip (output files individually)."


"• To email this zip archive as a binary file, and you are using an older
email application, select Output Text. Saving the file as ASCII text
increases the size of the encrypted file by about 30%. This option is
not available when you are using PGP Desktop in a PGP Universal
Server-managed environment."

Talk about hiding options. :-) I'd switch to gnupg.

Regards, Dave Hodgins
Change ***@nomail.afraid.org to ***@teksavvy.com for
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