See msg below
(too old to reply)
Robert Hazelett
2012-05-19 01:19:03 UTC
No further interest in PGP? No Problem! I can live with that. And
since advertising seems to be more palatable now, why not go to robert-
earl-hazelett.com and look at a couple DAMN GOOD books I have for sale
there? You will find excerpts from each of them. And purchasing one or
both means you'll be helping an old man work his way through
college. :^)
2012-05-23 23:39:22 UTC
Post by Robert Hazelett
No further interest in PGP? No Problem! I can live with that.
While it remains true that the majority of people using computers and
the Internet have no interest in (and/or knowledge of) protecting
either their own privacy, or the privacy of their personal and/or
business correspondents, there are still places one can go to keep up
on issues related to the development and usage of OpenPGP

These two old and once venerable newsgroups (alt.security.pgp and
comp.security.pgp.discuss) used to be very busy places, but
obviously, things have changed. With the expansion of web based
forums and email lists, Usenet usage in general seems a mere shadow
of what it was not so many years ago.

In the OpenPGP realm, specifically, ever since Symantec took over
ownership and commercial development of "PGP", it seems many of us
have migrated to GnuPG (for a while, I continued using both, as I was
a loyal PGP customer, enjoying the use of PGPdisk as well). Now
however, I find using both GnuPG and TrueCrypt to be quite
satisfactory for my purposes.

Here, for instance, is a GnuPG email list that's still quite active:


There's also a list specifically for issues regarding the "Gpg4win"

And there's even this old, not very busy anymore, yet still friendly
group of people willing to help others with PGP/GnuPG issues (both
web based and email list):


In general, I think I'm pretty typical of those who once spent quite
a bit of time learning about and discussing PGP/GnuPG and other
computer/Internet privacy and security issues, in that 1) I've
naturally moved on to just using the technology rather than
constantly discussing it, and 2) I've realized the futility of
spending too much time and energy advocating personal privacy when
it's obvious most people don't want to bother with it until some
violation of their privacy bites them in the ass.

Still, while it may seem like it shouldn't be any bother to us if
someone else doesn't care about their own privacy, the truth is, if
others don't care about their own privacy (and actively do something
to protect it), chances are they'll eventually violate the privacy of
their correspondents as well - without giving it a second thought.
With some people, I'll simply discuss nothing more personal than the
weather. :)

PGP Public Key: http://tinyurl.com/2cmefzy
2012-05-24 18:09:30 UTC
Melissa <***@gmx.com> wrote:


Forgive me for not quoting your entire post, Melissa. I just wanted to
say I concur with it entirely and thank you for the URLs.

2012-05-24 18:46:59 UTC
Post by TomT
Forgive me for not quoting your entire post, Melissa. I just wanted to
say I concur with it entirely and thank you for the URLs.
You could have emailed her directly instead of posting a totally useless
post for the rest of the world. (Ie, you could have kept enough of her
post that othes could figure out what you are talking about)
Post by TomT
2012-05-24 21:16:33 UTC
Post by unruh
You could have emailed her directly instead of posting a totally
useless post for the rest of the world. (Ie, you could have kept
enough of her post that othes could figure out what you are talking
And yet, you felt the need to post your whine here for all to enjoy
("here" being, by the way, where anyone--yourself included, I
presume--could have read my post in question regardless of Tom's

[couldn't email you directly, as you provide no email address] ;)

May the world forgive me for this useless post. Just couldn't resist.
To get back on-topic, I'll sign this post...

- --

PGP Public Key: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2cmefzy
2012-05-24 21:18:41 UTC
Post by Melissa
To get back on-topic, I'll sign this post...

gpg: BAD signature from "Melissa [snipped]"

I'm not sure what happened. I'll investigate. :)

PGP Public Key: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2cmefzy
2012-05-27 00:08:52 UTC
Post by Melissa
gpg: BAD signature from "Melissa [snipped]"
I'm not sure what happened. I'll investigate. :)
It seems my newsreader wants to wait until I hit "send" to do its
text formatting. I'll try to solve it by locking in the wrapping with
a third party program, then pasting it back into the newsreader
before signing/sending. Let's see what happens now...

- --

PGP Public Key: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2cmefzy
2012-05-27 19:41:06 UTC
Post by Melissa
Post by Melissa
gpg: BAD signature from "Melissa [snipped]"
I'm not sure what happened. I'll investigate. :)
It seems my newsreader wants to wait until I hit "send" to do its
text formatting. I'll try to solve it by locking in the wrapping with
a third party program, then pasting it back into the newsreader
before signing/sending. Let's see what happens now...
There you go, Melissa.


2012-05-25 19:29:16 UTC
Post by unruh
Post by TomT
Forgive me for not quoting your entire post, Melissa. I just wanted to
say I concur with it entirely and thank you for the URLs.
You could have emailed her directly instead of posting a totally useless
post for the rest of the world.
Emailing directly is bad form on usenet. Also, I wanted the rest of the
world to know I agreed with her.
Post by unruh
(Ie, you could have kept enough of her
post that othes could figure out what you are talking about)
I'll concede that point.
