Government CCTV Cameras In Your Home?
(too old to reply)
2023-07-15 18:16:41 UTC
I have nothing to hide so you may put a cctv camera in my home! (LOL)

Anonymous Remailer
2023-07-16 09:12:46 UTC
Post by Anonymous
I have nothing to hide so you may put a cctv camera in my home! (LOL)
- No mentioning of remailers and nym servers?
- No DuckDuckGo (.onion),
but Startpage, which often blocks access through the Tor network?
- Brave but no Tor Browser?
- Single-hop VPNs instead of the Tor network?
- And why prefer corporate data collectors like MySudo?

She ought to know better.

| @hardikilusdopadikus5465
| 18 hours ago
| What is worst than government doing this things is that corporations are
| doing those things to people instead...
| Reply
| @NaomiBrockwellTV
| 17 hours ago
| It's worse that governments do it because they have a monopoly on
| violence

That's no excuse for the recommendation of commercial data harvesters.


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Well, with targeted advertizing data processing becomes obvious anyway.
But what happens with data of those, who don't catch at that generous
Brave Software Incorporated's privacy selling offer?

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Of course they do. That gives them even more of your valuable data!

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Thanks, but no thanks!
Posted with OmniMix <https://www.danner-net.de/om.htm>
2023-07-16 19:25:04 UTC
Post by Anonymous Remailer
- No mentioning of remailers and nym servers?
- No DuckDuckGo (.onion),
but Startpage, which often blocks access through the Tor network?
- Brave but no Tor Browser?
?- Single-hop VPNs instead of the Tor network?
?- And why prefer corporate data collectors like MySudo?

Oh, she mentions more...



And more of her videos here: https://www.youtube.com/@NaomiBrockwellTV/videos

This girl knows her stuff!
