Freeware PGP?
(too old to reply)
2012-01-11 11:32:28 UTC
Surprised to see that PGP has gone to Symantec. It used to be
freeware years ago. Is there any kind of freeware version still
available for windows home users?
David E. Ross
2012-01-11 19:34:08 UTC
Post by 04x559
Surprised to see that PGP has gone to Symantec. It used to be
freeware years ago. Is there any kind of freeware version still
available for windows home users?
Yes, but first you must register with Symantec as if you are a business
user. :(

Start at <http://www.symantec.com/business/desktop-email>. Select
Trialware (either right side of the page or in the box on the left
side). As you keep navigating, you will eventually reach a page where
you register. After that, you can obtain the trial ware version.

After some days (30?), certain features will no longer work. But the
basic features for encrypting and signing E-mail messages and files will
still work.
David E. Ross

Concerned about someone (e.g., the government)
snooping into your E-mail? Use PGP.
See my <http://www.rossde.com/PGP/>
Your's Truly
2012-01-12 00:30:48 UTC
Post by David E. Ross
Post by 04x559
Surprised to see that PGP has gone to Symantec. It used to be
freeware years ago. Is there any kind of freeware version still
available for windows home users?
Yes, but first you must register with Symantec as if you are a business
user. :(
Start at <http://www.symantec.com/business/desktop-email>. Select
Trialware (either right side of the page or in the box on the left
side). As you keep navigating, you will eventually reach a page where
you register. After that, you can obtain the trial ware version.
After some days (30?), certain features will no longer work. But the
basic features for encrypting and signing E-mail messages and files will
still work.
Try this link where pgp658ctk093b is available:

Nomen Nescio
2012-01-12 13:11:51 UTC
Post by Your's Truly
Don't use the Muslim terrorist ckt builds. Regular freeware PGP 6.5.8 is
available and so is the special 2.6.3 build from disastry . Why recommend or
use questionable homosexual Arab bullshit since better versions exist?
2012-01-12 10:35:02 UTC
Post by 04x559
Surprised to see that PGP has gone to Symantec. It used to be
freeware years ago. Is there any kind of freeware version still
available for windows home users?
I recommend



parozusa at web dot de
2012-01-14 12:50:50 UTC
Post by n***@nospam.net
Post by 04x559
Surprised to see that PGP has gone to Symantec. It used to be
freeware years ago. Is there any kind of freeware version still
available for windows home users?
I recommend
Sorry to say that
seems to be crap. It makes keys but they do not function.
Cyber Trekker
2012-01-17 09:36:57 UTC
Post by c***@yahoo.com
Post by n***@nospam.net
Post by 04x559
Surprised to see that PGP has gone to Symantec. It used to be
freeware years ago. Is there any kind of freeware version still
available for windows home users?
I recommend
Sorry to say that
seems to be crap. It makes keys but they do not function.
It's not crap at all and it has always worked for me.

GPG4Win on Windows, GPG Tools on Mac OS X and GPG on Linux have always
performed admirably for me and I'm not forced to go the commercial
2012-01-19 09:06:01 UTC
Post by Cyber Trekker
Post by c***@yahoo.com
Post by n***@nospam.net
Post by 04x559
Surprised to see that PGP has gone to Symantec. It used to be
freeware years ago. Is there any kind of freeware version still
available for windows home users?
I recommend
Sorry to say that
seems to be crap. It makes keys but they do not function.
It's not crap at all and it has always worked for me.
GPG4Win on Windows, GPG Tools on Mac OS X and GPG on Linux have always
performed admirably for me and I'm not forced to go the commercial
Works perfectly for me too.

parozusa at web dot de
2012-02-06 06:39:49 UTC
Download all PGP GPG progs from here: http://is.gd/wWYBDG
have fun !
