How to make TWOFISH my preferred symmetric cipher?
(too old to reply)
John Kennerson
2015-04-13 17:05:27 UTC
My public key preferences only show AES256, AES192, AES, CAST5,
3DES and IDEA as my possible choices for my preferred symmetric
cipher. Anyone looking at my public key will only see those
preferences. I would really like to have TWOFISH be my preferred
symmetric cipher.

In my gpg.conf file I have "cipher-algo TWOFISH", but that's not
going to inform anyone looking at my public key.

Is there any way to have the symmetric portion of any message
encrypted to me be done with TWOFISH?
2015-04-14 01:06:23 UTC
Post by John Kennerson
My public key preferences only show AES256, AES192, AES, CAST5,
3DES and IDEA as my possible choices for my preferred symmetric
cipher. Anyone looking at my public key will only see those
preferences. I would really like to have TWOFISH be my preferred
symmetric cipher.
In my gpg.conf file I have "cipher-algo TWOFISH", but that's not
going to inform anyone looking at my public key.
Is there any way to have the symmetric portion of any message
encrypted to me be done with TWOFISH?
gpg --edit-key your_key
setpref TWOFISH
Jack Ryan
2015-04-15 09:01:13 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by John Kennerson
My public key preferences only show AES256, AES192, AES, CAST5,
3DES and IDEA as my possible choices for my preferred symmetric
cipher. Anyone looking at my public key will only see those
preferences. I would really like to have TWOFISH be my preferred
symmetric cipher.
In my gpg.conf file I have "cipher-algo TWOFISH", but that's not
going to inform anyone looking at my public key.
Is there any way to have the symmetric portion of any message
encrypted to me be done with TWOFISH?
gpg --edit-key your_key
setpref TWOFISH
Thanks A LOT for that. It did exactly what I wanted it to do, after
I educated myself with it a little bit. You have helped me to get a
much better understanding of gpg.
