Here's How PGP Encryption Will Jail You, Quantum Is Looming
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Fritz Wuehler
2023-07-19 20:04:29 UTC
Do times change? Would you use an enigma machine? duh And technology is moving a hell of
a lot faster since the enigma machine.

Crikey, all those messages in...


..you can destroy your hard drive but you can't delete alt.anonymous.messages! All those
people who have posted anonymous messages won't get much sleep when this breaks.

It's like before police had dna testing and many innocent people were unjustjy jailed
and then police get dna testing and innocent people are released and the guilty jailed.

Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/
More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project

I can just see NSA agents twiddling their thumbs waiting for this to happen.

NSA storing encrypted messages for when quantum computers arrive.

Only Tutanota is preparing for this. Zimmerman's PGP will be rendered useless!

Philip R. Zimmermann (born 1955) is an American computer scientist and cryptographer.
He is the creator of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), the most widely used email encryption
software in the world.

Quantum computers and A.I. will crack pgp and nymservers before 2030. Tutanota has a
hybrid feature to make sure it's algorithm can't be cracked by Quantum computers etc.

TUTANOTA is the world's best e2e encrypted email provider. Fact!
Yamn Remailer
2023-07-19 23:23:25 UTC
Comparison based on https://tutanota.com:



William Unruh
2023-07-20 05:12:24 UTC
Post by Fritz Wuehler
Do times change? Would you use an enigma machine? duh And technology is moving a hell of
a lot faster since the enigma machine.
Crikey, all those messages in...
..you can destroy your hard drive but you can't delete alt.anonymous.messages! All those
people who have posted anonymous messages won't get much sleep when this breaks.
It's like before police had dna testing and many innocent people were unjustjy jailed
and then police get dna testing and innocent people are released and the guilty jailed.
Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/
More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project
One suspects that tutanota a pile of junk by the overheated rhetoric you
are using. Best way to sell junk is to try to strike fear into the
person you are selling it to.

a 2000 bit RSA key will require a quantum computer of about 10000 bits
at least.Good luck finding such a quantum computer even in the next 20
And what evidence do you have that thie encryption is proof against
quantum computers, other than your fevered brain?
Post by Fritz Wuehler
I can just see NSA agents twiddling their thumbs waiting for this to happen.
Yes. They will be twiddling theiry thumbs for a long time.
Post by Fritz Wuehler
NSA storing encrypted messages for when quantum computers arrive.
And what mekes you think they will be interested in your messages, or
mine.? Quantum computers will not be cheap.
Post by Fritz Wuehler
Only Tutanota is preparing for this. Zimmerman's PGP will be rendered useless!
Post by Fritz Wuehler
Philip R. Zimmermann (born 1955) is an American computer scientist and cryptographer.
He is the creator of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), the most widely used email encryption
software in the world.
Quantum computers and A.I. will crack pgp and nymservers before 2030. Tutanota has a
hybrid feature to make sure it's algorithm can't be cracked by Quantum computers etc.
TUTANOTA is the world's best e2e encrypted email provider. Fact!
Nomen Nescio
2023-07-22 16:28:01 UTC
US Federal Agencies Required To Adopt Post-Quantum Security, Private Sector Advised To Follow

Quantum computing is no longer a distant possibility, but already a reality. The Riken
research institute in Japan has announced it will make the country’s first
domestically built quantum computer available online for several businesses and
academic institutions, by the end of this month. Riken plans to connect this quantum
computer prototype to the world’s second-fastest supercomputer, Fugaku, by 2025, in
order to expand its real-world use cases, including research related to materials and

This is not an isolated development, but part of what looks like a quantum computing
“arms race”. According to Japan's Science and Technology Agency, over the past three
decades China has registered the most patents worldwide for quantum computing,
approximately 2,700, followed by the U.S. with roughly 2,200 and Japan with 885.

It’s clear that the world is on the verge of a technological revolution with the
emergence of quantum computers, which promises unprecedented processing power and the
ability to solve complex problems that classical computers cannot.

While this is exciting, it will also pose a threat to current encryption protocols,
which could be easily broken by quantum computers, leaving sensitive information
exposed to attackers. This is why the U.S. National Cybersecurity Strategy is calling
for the transition to post-quantum cryptography, which uses algorithms that are
resistant to attacks by quantum computers. The strategy recognizes the need to
prepare for the future and ensure that encryption protocols remain secure in the
face of evolving threats.

While the possibility of a quantum computer successfully breaking current end-to-end
encryption protocols is not expected to become a reality in the immediate future, it
is important to work on preventing this type of threat as soon as possible, because
efficient solutions take time to develop.
More on this here...
Post by Fritz Wuehler
Crikey, all those messages in...
...you can destroy your hard drive but you can't delete alt.anonymous.messages! All those
people who have posted anonymous messages won't get much sleep when this breaks.