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Nomen Nescio
2023-06-06 17:47:37 UTC
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"Who's the most important man this country ever knew?
Who's the man our presidents tell all their troubles to?
No, it isn't Mr. Bryan and it isn't Mr. Hughes;
I'm mighty proud that I'm allowed a chance to introduce:

Barney Google - with the goo, goo, googly eyes,
Barney Google - bet his horse would win the prize;
When the horses ran that day,
Spark Plug ran the other way!
Barney Google - with the goo-goo-googly eyes!

Who's the greatest lover that this country ever knew?
Who's the man that Valentino takes his hat off to?
No, it isn't Douglas Fairbanks that the ladies rave about;
When he arrives, who makes the wives chase all their husbands out?

Barney Google - with the goo-goo-googly eyes,
Barney Google - had a wife three times his size;
She sued Barney for divorce,
Now he's sleeping with his horse!
Barney Google - with the goo-goo-googly eyes!"

--song by Billy Rose and Con Conrad
(c)1923 Jerome H Remick & Co., New York, Detroit
by permission of DeBeck, creator of 'Barney Google'
King Features Syndicate, Inc. "Great Britain Rights Reserved"

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Nomen Nescio
2023-06-06 18:48:23 UTC
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Post by Nomen Nescio
The truth about
Barney Google
"Who's the most important man this country ever knew?
Who's the man our presidents tell all their troubles to?
No, it isn't Mr. Bryan and it isn't Mr. Hughes;
Barney Google - with the goo, goo, googly eyes,
Barney Google - bet his horse would win the prize;
When the horses ran that day,
Spark Plug ran the other way!
Barney Google - with the goo-goo-googly eyes!
Who's the greatest lover that this country ever knew?
Who's the man that Valentino takes his hat off to?
No, it isn't Douglas Fairbanks that the ladies rave about;
When he arrives, who makes the wives chase all their husbands out?
Barney Google - with the goo-goo-googly eyes,
Barney Google - had a wife three times his size;
She sued Barney for divorce,
Now he's sleeping with his horse!
Barney Google - with the goo-goo-googly eyes!"
--song by Billy Rose and Con Conrad
(c)1923 Jerome H Remick & Co., New York, Detroit
by permission of DeBeck, creator of 'Barney Google'
King Features Syndicate, Inc. "Great Britain Rights Reserved"
After the first injection Amy Sedgwick noticed that she had numbness in
her feet and so decided to take the booster, then she died.

Obviously she failed to get a big enough tree and decorate it to a great
enough degree. They are fertility idols, they will restore your
fertility and save your nations. Perhaps she failed to drape enough
tinfoil on her blinkin' tree. Or perhaps she failed to get the lights to
blink fast enough. Or more likely she failed to cap her pagan fertility
idol with a miniature glittering golden Egyptian obelisk (penis) or with
a miniature shiny silver Egyptian obelisk (penis).

How can the fertility tree be effective and maintain your fertility if
you aSSholes fail to cap the damn thing with an Egyptian penis? Capping
your fertility tree idol with a miniature Egyptian penis is like getting
a booster.

The churches taught her to turn trees into decorated idols, many of
these churches cap their roofs with miniature Egyptian penises, then
they also teach the sheep to cap their blinkin' trees with Egyptian
penises as well. Why did she not listen to the crap and cap her blinkin'
tree with an Egyptian penis?

The magic of the fertility tree idol is impaired when one doth not cap
it with the secondary fertility idol, and she lost her fertility and
then her life. Now her family members will attend the church and hear
assurances that she is up in heaven with Mary, looking down and
protecting them all, and so they will hand over yet more cash as the
assurances sound so good.

Likely she was twitching, convulsing and necrotizing before she died,
likely her vagina was necrotizing from the snake venom in the injections
and she stunk like death before she died, now Amy can be the patron
saint of the necrotizing vaginas.

And it is all because she failed to cap her pagan fertility tree idol
with the secondary Egyptian pagan fertility idol. The family may now
place a decorated fertility tree wreath made from a branch of her
decorated fertility tree blinkin' idol upon her grave stone. Maybe if
you also cap her grave stone with a miniature Egyptian dink as well she
will rise up from the dead.

How can it hurt?

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Yamn Remailer
2023-06-06 20:13:07 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
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"Who's the most important man this country ever knew?
Who's the man our presidents tell all their troubles to?
No, it isn't Mr. Bryan and it isn't Mr. Hughes;
Barney Google - with the goo, goo, googly eyes,
Barney Google - bet his horse would win the prize;
When the horses ran that day,
Spark Plug ran the other way!
Barney Google - with the goo-goo-googly eyes!
Who's the greatest lover that this country ever knew?
Who's the man that Valentino takes his hat off to?
No, it isn't Douglas Fairbanks that the ladies rave about;
When he arrives, who makes the wives chase all their husbands out?
Barney Google - with the goo-goo-googly eyes,
Barney Google - had a wife three times his size;
She sued Barney for divorce,
Now he's sleeping with his horse!
Barney Google - with the goo-goo-googly eyes!"
--song by Billy Rose and Con Conrad
(c)1923 Jerome H Remick & Co., New York, Detroit
by permission of DeBeck, creator of 'Barney Google'
King Features Syndicate, Inc. "Great Britain Rights Reserved"
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