alt.anonymous.messages Will Be Ravaged By The NSA, Quantum Is Looming
(too old to reply)
Nomen Nescio
2023-07-22 23:58:52 UTC
You know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL about how remailers and the
mechanics of how nym messaging works.
I know exactly how remailers and nyms work but this is not about that. This is
about quantum computers which are gonna put you all in jail. PGP is on The Way
out. FACT!!!

Two primary algorithms to be implemented for post quantum encryption:
CRYSTALS-KYBER (key-establishment) and CRYSTALS-Dilithium (digital signatures).

Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/
More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project
Independent Tutanota review: https://privacysavvy.com/email/guides/tutanota-guide/

Are you quantum ready???
Fritz Wuehler
2023-07-23 10:17:09 UTC
You know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL about how remailers and the
mechanics of how nym messaging works.
I know exactly how remailers and nyms work but this is not about that. This is
about quantum computers which are gonna put you all in jail. PGP is on The Way
out. FACT!!!

Two primary algorithms to be implemented for post quantum encryption:
CRYSTALS-KYBER (key-establishment) and CRYSTALS-Dilithium (digital signatures).

Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/
More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project
Independent Tutanota review: https://privacysavvy.com/email/guides/tutanota-guide/

Are you quantum ready???
2023-07-26 20:30:11 UTC
Fritz Wuehler
2023-07-28 22:57:14 UTC
Tutanota Is Breaking New Ground With Post Quantum Encryption For Email

Last year in July, as a result of the third round of the NIST PQC Standardization Process,
NIST identified four candidate algorithms for standardization. They recommended two
primary algorithms to be implemented for most use cases: CRYSTALS-KYBER
(key-establishment) and CRYSTALS-Dilithium (digital signatures).
At that time, Tutanota had already identified these same two algorithms as the best choice
for quantum resistant email encryption and had implemented them in a working protoype.

Data that Tutanota encrypts end-to-end:

Emails, including subject lines and all attachments
Entire calendars, even metadata such as event notifications
Entire address book, not just parts of the contacts
Inbox rules / filters
And the entire search index.

*Scenario: You can go back in time to WW2 and tell the German SS you don't have to use the
^enigma machine as you have a cell phone that can send encrypted messages to another phone.
*Well, they would say your head is full of fantasies and you would be executed for being
^an imbecile!
*Point here is, times change and quantum will crack PGP and it's nearer than you think!
*Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/
*More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project
*Independent Tutanota review: https://privacysavvy.com/email/guides/tutanota-guide/
*Are you quantum ready???
Nomen Nescio
2023-07-28 23:13:14 UTC
Tutanota Is Breaking New Ground With Post Quantum Encryption For Email

Last year in July, as a result of the third round of the NIST PQC Standardization Process,
NIST identified four candidate algorithms for standardization. They recommended two
primary algorithms to be implemented for most use cases: CRYSTALS-KYBER
(key-establishment) and CRYSTALS-Dilithium (digital signatures).
At that time, Tutanota had already identified these same two algorithms as the best choice
for quantum resistant email encryption and had implemented them in a working protoype.

Data that Tutanota encrypts end-to-end:

Emails, including subject lines and all attachments
Entire calendars, even metadata such as event notifications
Entire address book, not just parts of the contacts
Inbox rules / filters
And the entire search index.

*Scenario: You can go back in time to WW2 and tell the German SS you don't have to use the
^enigma machine as you have a cell phone that can send encrypted messages to another phone.
*Well, they would say your head is full of fantasies and you would be executed for being
^an imbecile!
*Point here is, times change and quantum will crack PGP and it's nearer than you think!
*Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/
*More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project
*Independent Tutanota review: https://privacysavvy.com/email/guides/tutanota-guide/
*Are you quantum ready???
2023-07-29 00:51:26 UTC
Post by Fritz Wuehler
Tutanota Is
Nomen Nescio
2023-07-29 18:50:40 UTC
Just a reminder...

:Get 'QUANTUM READY' with TUTANOTA here: https://tutanota.com/
:More about QUANTUM COMPUTERS: https://tutanota.com/blog/pqdrive-project
:And here: https://tutanota.com/blog/posts/cybersecurity-strategy-post-quantum-encryption
:Independent Tutanota review: https://privacysavvy.com/email/guides/tutanota-guide/
:Are you quantum ready???
Nomen Nescio
2023-07-29 20:38:49 UTC
