Thoughts on CryptoHeaven
(too old to reply)
2009-01-29 09:11:00 UTC
Is this service (the free version) any good? Is it secure? Anonymous?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
2009-01-29 10:20:16 UTC
Post by eldergod
Is this service (the free version) any good? Is it secure? Anonymous?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
*Everything* they do, you can do as well, or better, at the same (free)

Do the parliamentary republic laws of The Commonwealth of Dominica, that
govern their email servers, (if they exist) forbid their government or
any government, from turning over or revealing your email in plaintext
or your unencrypted stored images?

Do they have reliable electricity and electronic communications during
hurricane seasons? Do their email servers have redundancy or backup
along with world class uptime?

Free and anonymous email can be had for a Google search. If you require
much more secrecy than most of us experience now? PGP/GnuPG can render
your email very secure indeed. Whole disk encryption software protects
you locally, and it would be difficult to compel you to turn over your
passphrase in the U.S.A. All of these can be had for free.

1PW @?6A62?FEH9:DE=6o2@=]4@> [r4o7t]
Otto Sykora
2009-02-01 16:32:42 UTC
So far I was using many versions of pgp and also gpg under windows.
Now using linux more intensively, I need to run all there too. OK, the
gpg is in every distro, but one small problem I still have.
My standard key is old, and it was created by pgp263, that means it is
RSA3 depending still on IDEA. Under windows, the idea implementing to
gpg is possible and so I have done it.

BUt could so far not find any way to anable IDEA under any linux

Any way to do it?
David W. Hodgins
2009-02-01 18:39:34 UTC
Post by Otto Sykora
BUt could so far not find any way to anable IDEA under any linux
Install the idea module, and add the line ...
load-extension idea
to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf

You can download the source for the idea plugin from

The compile instructions are in the source file. The module should
be copied to /usr/lib/gnupg

Regards, Dave Hodgins
Change nomail.afraid.org to ody.ca to reply by email.
(nomail.afraid.org has been set up specifically for
use in usenet. Feel free to use it yourself.)
Frank Merlott
2009-02-04 21:02:14 UTC
Post by Otto Sykora
BUt could so far not find any way to anable IDEA under any linux
This is because the IDEA algorythm is patented and many open source
software developers refuse to include it.

IDEA is patented in the USA (US 5,214,703), Europe (EP-B-0482154)and
Japan (JP 3225440) by Ascom Systec AG.

This patent expires 25 May 2010 (USA) or 16 May 2011 (Europe and
Japan). For strictly non-commercial use, the licence fee is waved.

You could still use IDEA under Linux but the part you are communicating
with will probably won't have it if using Linux.

As the IDEA patent is about to expire soon, it is possible that IDEA is
included more widely in the future.
Privacylover: http://www.privacylover.com
2009-03-17 22:05:14 UTC
Free and anonymous email can be had for a Google search.  If you require
much more secrecy than most of us experience now?  PGP/GnuPG can render
your email very secure indeed.  Whole disk encryption software protects
you locally, and it would be difficult to compel you to turn over your
passphrase in the U.S.A.  All of these can be had for free.
Pete, you are absolutely right. The trouble is that only one in maybe
ten thousand people have the brains required to use PGP or GnuPG. How
sad that is.

In another posting here I mention that I built an encryption system
using PGP v2.6.3i that requires ONLY a USB stick and the ability to
understand how to drag and drop a file. For several years I've offered
it to ANY interested party and ALL I ever get is the same standard
B.S. excuses for NOT using encryption. People are scared to death of
encryption and for that reason it will NEVER be widely used.


Frank Merlott
2009-01-31 17:34:59 UTC
Post by eldergod
Is this service (the free version) any good? Is it secure? Anonymous?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
You should never rely your private PGP keys to anyone, you would be
better off having PGP software in your computer and encrypt and decrypt
the data there then send it by email, this needs the other part to have
PGP too.
Privacylover: http://www.privacylover.com