Is this an immediate cause for concern?
(too old to reply)
2008-09-09 06:40:16 UTC
Is there any shot of this turning into a problem anytime soon?

| New Attack Against Multiple Encryption Functions |
| from the think-harder dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Friday August 22, @10:53 (Security) |
| http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=3D08/08/22/1233211 |

An anonymous reader sends word of a paper presented a few days back by
Adi Shamir, the S in RSA, that promises a [0]new form of mathematical
attack against a broad range of cryptographic ciphers. The
computerworld.com.au report leans heavily on [1]Schneier's blog entry
from the Crypto 2008 conference and the attached comments. Shamir's paper
has not been published yet. "[The new attack could affect] hash functions
(such as MD5, SHA-256), stream ciphers (such as RC4), and block ciphers
(such as DES, Triple-DES, AES) at the Crypto 2008 conference. The new
method of cryptanalysis has been called a 'cube attack' and formed part
of Shamir's invited presentation at Crypto 2008 =E2=80=94 'How to solve it:=
Techniques in Algebraic Cryptanalysis.' The new attack method isn't
necessarily going to work against the exact ciphers listed above, but it
offers a new generic attack method that can target basically formed
ciphers irrespective of the basic cipher method in use, provided that it
can be described in a 'low-degree polynomial equation'... What may be the
biggest outcome from this research is the range of devices in widespread
use that use weaker cryptographic protection, due to power or size
limitations, that are now vulnerable to a straightforward mathematical

Discuss this story at:

1. http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/08/adi_shamirs_cub.html
2008-09-10 07:36:38 UTC
not inmediate
