You're All Going To Jail, Quantum Looming
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Fritz Wuehler
2023-07-19 12:43:38 UTC
NSA storing encrypted messages for when quantum computers arrive.


Only Tutanota is preparing for this. Zimmerman's PGP will be rendered useless!

Philip R. Zimmermann (born 1955) is an American computer scientist and cryptographer.
He is the creator of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), the most widely used email encryption
software in the world.

Quantum computers and A.I. will crack pgp and nymservers before 2030. Tutanota has a
hybrid feature to make sure it's algorithm can't be cracked by Quantum computers etc.

TUTANOTA is the world's best e2e encrypted email provider. Fact!
Nomen Nescio
2023-07-19 17:52:40 UTC
Quantum computers are a fantasy that do not exist. The fantasizers have
been predicting quantum computers for over 30 years.
30 years? well there's not long to go, they must be imminent.

Scenario: You can go back in time to WW2 and tell the German SS you don't have
to use the enigma machine as you have a cell phone that can send encrypted
messages to another phone. Well, they would say your head is full of fantasies
and you would be executed for being an imbecile!

Point here is, times change!!!


Now get 'QUANTUM' ready!!!
