The Reality of The Bullshit of Quantum Comps Breaking PGP
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Nomen Nescio
2023-07-21 00:07:49 UTC
Quantum hype. (is this wishful thinking)
US Federal Agencies Required To Adopt Post-Quantum Security, Private Sector Advised To Follow

Quantum computing is no longer a distant possibility, but already a reality. The Riken
research institute in Japan has announced it will make the country’s first
domestically built quantum computer available online for several businesses and
academic institutions, by the end of this month. Riken plans to connect this quantum
computer prototype to the world’s second-fastest supercomputer, Fugaku, by 2025, in
order to expand its real-world use cases, including research related to materials and

More on this here...
Crikey, all those messages in...
...you can destroy your hard drive but you can't delete alt.anonymous.messages! All those
people who have posted anonymous messages won't get much sleep when this breaks.
Scenario: You can go back in time to WW2 and tell the German SS you don't have to use the
enigma machine as you have a cell phone that can send encrypted messages to another phone.
Well, they would say your head is full of fantasies and you would be executed for being
an imbecile!
Point here is, times change and quantum is nearer than you think.
Are you quantum ready???
Nomen Nescio
2023-07-21 02:28:15 UTC
So the OP finds a page written by some person who only writes for advertising revenue
and said quantum computers are in the distant future. I'll bet the writer has got a
page saying quantum computers are almost upon us for advertising revenue!

Don't believe these writer's pages as it's all misinformation. Some of them are worse
than mainstream media.


This is not a writer, these people are in the encryption business...

Watch out for these 'ad revenue seeking' writers!
